King's Business - 1968-10

When Joseph became complete­ ly well he helped Miss Jan around the hospital and did his work well. One day when Dr. Clark pre­ pared to make another trip to the bush country, Joseph begged to go to see his people. “ No Joseph — not this time. Later when you h a v e learned more and grown a little stronger, I ’ll take you.” While the jeep was being load­ ed, Joseph packed some food and his big knife. He sneaked down the path and into the jungle after Dr. Clark left. The thorns didn’t cut his feet this time. He wore the new shoes Dr. Clark gave him. He was sure he could get back to the clin ic! He slept safely in a tree that night and the next day he started his trek early. He hadn’t gone very fa r when his head began to spin around and around like a top ! The dizziness from malaria had come ba ck ! Only halfway through the bush c o u n t r y , he knew he couldn’t make it to the clinic or back to the hospital! Joseph buried himself in some leaves and went to sleep. The sound o f crackling bushes awak­ ened him suddenly! He saw a wild animal lurking in the shadows o f the jungle. Shivering, he squirmed deeper into his leafy bed. He prayed just before he slipped into unconsciousness. A fter Dr. Clark left the hospi­ tal, Miss Jan searched all over fo r Joseph but couldn’t find him. “ Missy Jan, I saw Joseph leave early this morning toward his home!” Samuel said. “ Quickly — pack food, a flash­ light and bow and arrows and fo l­ low h im !” Miss Jan was worried. Samuel and M oses followed Joseph’s path carefully. When it became too dark to travel safe­ ly, they climbed a tree and went to sleep. T h e f o l l o w i n g d a y , th e y searched more th an half way t h r o u g h t h e w o od s . J o s e p h couldn’t have gone farther! They were afraid to stay longer in the jungle as it was getting dark

again. Sadly, they started back to the hospital. They watched fo r tracks that Joseph might have made i f he left the path. Sud­ denly Samuel stopped. “ Look — here — he swept his tracks with a branch !” “ It hard to find path. Joseph good jungle b oy !” Moses stooped closer to look at the tracks. “ Listen !” Samuel stood still. “ I hear g roan !” Moses said. Samuel shone the flashlight in­ to the deep grass, carefully watch­ ing fo r snakes! Moses cupped his ear with his hand and listened. “ Me hear more groan — put light up h igher!” Samuel pointed the flashlight in the direction o f the groan. Moses slowly raised his bow and arrow and s h o t an o ld lion crouched ready to pounce on a pile o f leaves! Blinded by the light he roared and reeled from side to side, staggered into the brush and fell dead! “ Eeee oooo !” Moses screeched! Samuel and Moses ran to the heap o f leaves and dug Joseph out! He was very sick! “ God look after jungle boy real good.” Moses knew that an old lion, too old to hunt wild animals, was dangerous and would even at­ tack a human being. Samuel found two long poles and Moses got some tough vines. They wound the vines back and forth around the poles and made a pole litter. Gently they lifted Joseph, put him on the litter and dragged it out o f the deep woods. Joseph shivered from the chills and fever. Samuel and Moses cov­ ered him with their coats. They were tired and it was late, so they decided to wait until morn­ ing to travel. Samuel stood guard fo r the first part o f the night. He was so sleepy he couldn’t keep his eyes open. He began to doze when he heard a grunting sound! “ It must be soemthing b ig ! The crunching o f twigs are loud !” Samuel jumped up and turned on his flashlight! To be continued


Joseph a native, is badly beaten by his father because he accept­ ed Christ as his Saviour. H e xvants to accompany the mission­ ary doctor in his village, to a hos­ pital nearby. Refused, J o s e p h runs away from his home to the hospital. H e ’s rescued at the edge o f the jungle, sick with malaria, cut and bruised. P art II B " wana , come quickly!” Joseph h e a r d s om e o n e say . He opened one eye and then the oth­ er. He felt bandages on his face and rubbed his hands over nice, clean sheets. “ The quinine has stopped the fever. The boy is much better. I see an eye open and close.” Dr. Clark smiled at Samuel his helper and started to leave. “ Bwana, please don’t go yet! Where am I ? ” Joseph asked. “ You ’re at the mission hospi­ tal.” Dr. Clark put a reassuring hand on the boy’s shoulder. Joseph went back to sleep, re­ lieved. In a few days, when he became stronger, Dr. Clark talked with him about going back to his father. “ Bwana, I accepted your God as my own. I have suffered many beatings from the hand o f my father. He has h a te f o r me. Please, Bwana, I want to stay here at the hospital and work. I want to learn more about Jesus.” Dr. Clark rubbed his chin, “ The hospital could use another house- boy. You will have to obey orders and see many hurt and sick peo­ ple. Do you still want to stay?” “ Oh yes, Bwana — I want to! This will make me most happy! Thank you— thank you, Bwana!”



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