King's Business - 1968-10

"a message from the editor *

A N A T T he 1968 political conventions o f the two major parties in the United States now are history. The candidates have been selected and in November a new president will be elected. During the Republican Convention, unfortunately this editor was on vacation where he was unable to obtain detailed reports o f the ' events in Miami Beach. However, this was not the case with the Democratic Convention where he heard and saw everything via TV , radio and the press. There the development which shocked all patriotic Americans was the incredible fact that "hippies” and "yippies” and other ' totally irresponsible, lawless groups had to be reckoned with to such a degree that the Convention center actually was trans­ formed into an armed fortress. Convention hotel headquarters and routes to the Convention hall had to be guarded heavily in order to protect the delegates from harm and molestation. These a people were the official representatives o f their party going about their business and not in any way provoking such an unwar­ ranted and outrageous attack. The unspeakable tragedy o f it is that conditions like this should be allowed to exist at all, any­ where, under any circumstances in "the land o f the free and the home o f the brave.” Apparently the only persons free to say and to do what they wish are these protestors who themselves have no constructive program to present, no worthwhile aims, and whose only purpose appears to be to destroy. They would not know in the least what to do with authority for which they scream if it were granted them. Yet they protest and protest and protest. They voice obscenities and demonstrate with whatever weapons they can contrive while spineless politicians defend their right o f "free speech.” One can only conclude that the purpose o f these faithless political leaders is prestige for themselves and votes at the polls when they thus curry favor with the dissenters. They are the ones who are selling down the river the real liberties o f the citizens o f the United States. O f course, this whole mess into which we have been plunged was aided and abetted by certain disgraceful Supreme Court deci­ sions a number o f years ago in which the rights o f the individual were given priority over the rights o f the majority. Because there were enough o f these dissenters to make a sufficiently loud noise, their cries were heard and their complaints listened to. They were coddled along while the great quiet body o f hard-working, tax- paying, decent Americans were deprived o f their rights and robbed o f their God-given heritage o f liberty, in favor o f these dissenters’ so-called "rights.” TH E KING'S BUSINESS

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