King's Business - 1968-10

prophecy Jovets// The Second Coming of Christ is near! Each fulfilled prophecy hastens the return of the Son of God. World tensions continue to mount, bringing this age to a sudden and calamitous close. Keep Scripturally informed monthly by the

ability to stay sober made him shaky. Soon an argument with his boss sent him back to Atlantic City. In 1958 John signed into the Navy and was assigned to the Great Lakes Naval Training Sta­ tion north o f Chicago. But he didn’t last: gambling, drinking, and an AWOL episode resulted in his discharge. Immediately John gravitated to Chicago, where it was almost au­ tomatic fo r him to head fo r the Skid Row area o f South State Street. Here, in uniform, he had often toured the saloons and honky-tonks. He was fa irly drunk that evening when he drifted out o f a tattoo parlor and stood on the sidewalk wondering what to do. Up the street he saw the big electric sign over the door o f Pa­ cific Garden Mission. “ ‘Jesus Saves.’ Very funny. I know what would be fun. I can go down there and heckle those mission heads until their meeting comes apart,” John mused. When he walked into the mis­ sion, he had a chip on his shoul­ der. A few minutes later, a man stood up who knocked the chip flying with the first words he spoke: “ I didn’t come here tonight to speak to people who are satisfied with their lives. I came here to talk to the man who know he’s wrong. The one who keeps telling himself that he’s going to do bet­ ter next time — and then does worse instead. T h e one who knows perfectly well that he’s on the road to hell . . .” “ That preacher seemed to know my life story,” John recalls. “ He talked as though he had read every secret thought I had known during the past few months.” The speaker continued as John took a good look at himself: “ If you’re brokenhearted over the course o f your life, repent over your offense — the Lord is nigh unto you. ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.’ Jesus said it Himself, ‘He that believeth in Me, though he

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