Annual Report 2018

It leverages the specialized expertise, skills, knowledge, and experience of people who practise the professions. This gives our regulatory decisions real-world relevance and validity, which means the public is protected by sound science and peer- developed standards. It harnesses the power and knowledge of volunteers. APEGA relies on the experience and expertise of volunteers to make regulatory decisions with staff, and to share science with the public. Without volunteers participating in regulation, the government would have to use taxpayer dollars to fulfill these duties. It saves taxpayers even more money. APEGA operates on funds raised from members through fees. Without APEGA, this money would come from provincial coffers. It defines, maintains, and advances a community of qualified professionals. All professional engineers and professional geoscientists in Alberta have APEGA in common. That means they adhere to the same Code of Ethics , follow the same guidelines and standards, are investigated and disciplined in the same way, and must achieve the same level of education, experience, and good character. Think of it as a type of consumer protection—when companies and individuals hire APEGA professionals, they know what they’re getting. All forms of regulation are designed to protect the public. But only self-regulation ties public protection directly to the people performing the regulated services. It’s effective and publicly affordable, and it’s backed up by nearly a century of APEGA service to the public.


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