Tamara Hamilton, 2014 4-H ambassador CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca nas High School in Russell, and the judges loved it.
Hamilton is the daughter of Robert and Pat Hamilton and she and her brother Evan have lived and breathed the farm—particu- larly the exclusive Holstein dairy herd— since she was a small child. She specializes in elite genetics, a very important trend in dairy, and has shown calves at the Royal Agriculture Show in To- ronto three times. She is highly involved with the genetics and breeding programs at the farm. “Many wonder why I spend so much time out in the barn,” she says with a laugh. “All I can say is it’s my home, and just as some go to the spa to relax, I find walk- ing through the barn after morning chores, the cows fed, milked and rested, gives me peace of mind.” She intends to start her own elite show string and herd and is currently very proud of Harmony View Bamboo, her calf out of Hamildale Sid Champagne, which she also bred. Hamilton is also active in sports at school, with her favourite being rugby. Not content to just play she is trying out for the Eastern Ontario Team and attending a Team Canada recruitment day. Her other activities include Link Crew (mentoring Grade Nine students), Ontario Students Against Drunk Driving, Student Council and many committees. Even with everything going on though she says, “On those days I can stop and
RUSSELL l Tamara Hamilton is a stand-out, in many respects. She recently received the Ram Canada «100 Scholarships for 100 Years of 4-H in Canada», in which only she and 99 fellow Canadian 4-Hers received $1000 towards their post-secondary education. Hamil- ton will be using hers at the University of Guelph for a BA in Agriculture, Food and Re- source Economics. She was torn between Guelph and Trent (for Agriculture Sustain- ability) and finally decided on Guelph. “I can’t say this course will be a breeze or walk in the park,” she says, “This summer I’ll have to hit the books.” Studying will be tough with all the other activities she is part of. 4-H also named her as a 2014 Ambassador. “Going into it I didn’t think I would really stand a chance,” she says modestly. “I was going against many other applicants around Ontario. A few months later I received a call to attend an interview in Guelph.” There she was in- terviewed by a panel of three judges and asked to put together a presentation on promoting 4-H to Grade Six students. Her extensive experience and love of 4-H came through. She presented to a Grade Seven class at her school, St. Thomas Aqui-
Photo Candice Vetter
Tamara Hamilton of North Russell has won one of only 100 4-H scholarships given out across Canada this year to mark the 100 th anniversary of 4-H. Hamilton has also been chosen as one of this year’s 4-H Ambassadors and will be traveling in Ontario to promote 4-H.
ernment, becoming a classifier and travel- ing, or even trying out working on a farm in Australia.” “I cannot give you a straight answer,” she says. “Making connections is what gets you a job, but for now I plan to take one day at a time, enjoying my friends, and living every day to the fullest.”
breathe I usually spend time with my family. As much as the farm, 4-H, rugby and school are priorities, my family is number one in my life.” What’s in store for this exceptional young woman’s future? “I hope to continue in agriculture and look into working for 4-H Ontario, Holstein Canada, Semex, with gov-
Succès de la 3 e édition du Dice Run Bike Show
Photos Annie Lafortune
C’était la troisième é dition du Dice Run Bike Show de Casselman, le week-end dernier, et c’est sous un soleil radieux que plus de 300 motocyclistes s’y sont donné rendez-vous. L’objectif: parcourir
200 kmdans Prescott-Russell dans le but d’amasser des fonds pour le corps de cadets 2804 de Casselman. Les participants devaient s’arrêter à cinq stations, lancer des dés et poursuivre leur chemin pour revenir au Complexe J.R. Brisson. Les trois plus hauts résultats de lancer de dés ont permis à trois personnes de gagner des prix totalisant 2000$. Lors de cette journée, le groupe Hometown a mis de l’ambiance musicale. Les participants ont également pu profiter du barbecue, participer au 50-50 et dénicher de belles trouvailles à l’encan chinois. Le principal organisateur de la journée, Michel Dupuis, est ici entouré de Nathalie Denis, du corps des cadets de Casselman, d’Yvon Laplante et de Ty Sutherland, du corps de cadets de Casselman.
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