King's Business - 1952-07

Where £ka!lßßMetf? If you are a child of God, then quite naturally you’re interested in using your abilities in the way in which they will bring most glory to God. May we bring to your attention an investment that will bring dividends both in this life and in eternity. INVEST IN A MISSIONARY

Today ’ s W o r ld D esperately Needs Trained M issionaries More than military might, more than legislation, more than education, our world needs the story of the love of God as it is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He, and He alone, can meet the pitiful plight of millions lost and dying in their sins. But who will take the story to them? Young Peop le A re W illin g There are, thank God, multitudes of young people in our churches whose hearts the Lord has touched, and who have offered themselves for missionary service. But they must be trained for their important task. They must know the precious Word of God, and they must know how to give it forth. Where may they obtain this training? BIOTA Trains M issionaries For nearly 45 years, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has been a school to train missionaries. From our classrooms they have gone forth into the uttermost parts of the world where today they are preaching and teaching the message of life. Today BIOLA is equipped better than ever before to prepare young people for world-wide missionary service. No Tuition Charged As from the very beginning, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles accepts and trains young people for Christian service without charging them tuition. Our expenses are met by the free-will gifts of the people of God everywhere. Any of God’s stewards who desire to “ sponsor” a student may do so by a gift of $200.00 a year. However, any gift, large or small, is gratefully received. Write for further information.

THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17 , California

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