UCLAN - Head of Security

Research All 19 academic areas submitted to REF (Research Excellent Framework) contain elements of world-leading or internationally excellent research with a doubling of the quality of the impact that research produces. 72% of the University’s submissions have been classified as having outstanding or very considerable impact in terms of its reach and significance (in the top 4-star and 3-star categories). Disciplines with the best impact ratings include: Modern Languages and Linguistics; Social Work and Social Policy; Physics; Business and Management Studies; Art and Design; Philosophy; History; Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies. Our top performing area was Physics with 90% of its overall research submission ranked 4/3-star. Social Work and Social Policy also performed well with 83% of the research submission rated as world-leading and internationally excellent overall (4/3- star). Modern Languages and Linguistics scored 75% for 4* impact. The area of Allied Health scored 79% overall for 4/3- star while Philosophy, a first-time UCLan entrant to REF, was ranked 8th out of 35 submissions for 4* impact nationally with 50% of the research rated as world-leading. Business and Management scored well in terms of research impact with 100% of its submission being ranked 4/3* – a substantial increase on REF2014 and in the UK’s top 20% for 4-star impact.

“Growing a vibrant community of academic innovators, nurturing postgraduate students and early-career researchers.” University of Central Lancashire Strategy 2015-2020

We have a lot to be proud of, as a university we have demonstrated our impact in more than 68 countries, reaching 18 million people and organisations while influencing policy locally and globally. UCLan research is contributing toward UN Sustainability Goals and two-thirds of our REF Impact Case Studies involve countries receiving Official Development Assistance funding or UK areas ranking in the 25% most deprived nationally. Our Submission • 1,032 research submissions including 825 journal articles, 68 books written by UCLan staff, 64 book chapters and 58 ‘non-standard’ outputs such as exhibitions, artworks and musical compositions. • 445 UCLan academic staff have made research submissions to the REF, a 70% increase on the previous submission in 2014. • 50 impact case studies submitted that describe how our research has made a difference in the real world. • Research submitted across all four REF panels, which range from a 4-researcher submission in Mathematics to a 90-researcher submission in Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy. • A third of UCLan’s REF2021 Impact Case Studies are linked to health and wellbeing”

Professor Lubaina Himid CBE

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