King's Business - 1920-02

S T U D Y T H E Fundamental Doctrines of tkeBible With Dr. R. A . Torrey Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles B Y C O R R E S P O N D E N C E T h e B ib le Institute issues a v e ry practical and interesting course on the above. Th is course is a very-carefu l study o f what the B ib le teaches on the Christian faith. T h e method pursued is to bring together ev ery statement o f Scripture bearing on the doctrine under discussion and from them ascertain and formulate the teaching o f the Bible. A v e ry essential study. THREE OTHER HELPFUL. COURSES BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Correspondence School Dept. ' Keith L. Brooks, Sec’y- About the “Summarized Bible” Dr. W. H. Griffith-Thomas says:— “ It is admirable for its helpful­ ness, and those who use it will cer­ tainly obtain a thorough knowledge of the Bible.“ Dr. Frederic W. Farr says:— “ It is a notable and welcome addi­ tion to the many helps to Bible study. It will be found to be well nigh indispensable.“ Th is w o rk b y Keith L . B rook s gives a summary o f each book and chapter o f the B ib le in concise form . A s to each chapter, it summarizes the contents, gives k ey w o rd , characters, spiritual lesson, striking points abou t Christ, list o f best verses, etc. Fine fo r class wo rk . A n aid fo r d a ily devotions. This Volume in Cloth, Covering the Whole Bible, Sent to You for Securing Six New Subscriptions to The King’s Business. P rice o f the Vo lum e, $ 1 . 5 0 Write Names and Addresses Clearly THE KING’S BUSINESS

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