King's Business - 1920-02

The Christian Fundamentals League (Succeeding the International Christian Truth Investigation Society) A n Inter-Denom inational, E vangelical, Christian o rgan ­ ization, founded in order to furnish a constructive program for' ev ery community where false teachings and faith -destroying cults m asquerade under the guise o f Christian truth. IF A N T I-C H R IS T IA N C U L T S are laboring in you r com ­ munity— IF Christian Science — Spiritism — Theo sophy — M illennial Dawn ism — Mormonism — Seven th -D ay A d ven tism — and Modernism are underm ining the faith o f Christians— IF Y O U need literature to meet the need— IF you desire a lead ing teacher to conduct a helpful con fer­ ence for Christians in you r church or city— IF you w ill becom e a volunteer w o rker— laboring to spread the ho ly Scriptures— W R IT E— RO B E R T ; A . H A D D EN , G en e ra l Secretary, T h e Christian Fundam en tals L e agu e, 2 0 7 V a n Nuys B ld g ., Endo rsed b y L e ad in g Ministers. L o s A n g eles, C alifo rn ia


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