King's Business - 1920-02

Bible Institute of Los Angeles (5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H op e Street, L o s A ngeles, C alifo rn ia ) DR. R, A. TORREY, Dean. E V A N G E L I C A L and E V A N G E L IS T IC . "The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s "G o ye into all the world and Son, cleanseth us from all sin." ■ preach the Gospel to every crea- I John 1:7. ture.” Mark 16:15. Trains Men and Women, Without Charge, to KNOW and USE the Bible. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION: C o v e rs two years, embracing the fo llow ing sub jects: B iblical Introduction— A n aly sis— Doctrine— Synthesis— C hap ter Summ ary ^ -C h ristian Eviden ces— Church H isto ry— M ethods o f S. S. W o rk— Missions. . <> ■ . F o r those who cannot take the regu lar d a y classes, an E V E N ­ ING SCH O O L C O U R S E is offered , and fo r those who are unable to avail them selves o f either the d a y or even ing classes, w e h ave F O U R S P L E N D ID C O R R E S PO N D EN C E C O U R S E S , as fo llow s: Fundam en tal Doctrines, b y Dr. R . A . T o rre y ; L ife and Teach ings o f Our L o rd , Dr. R , A . T o rre y ; Through the B ib le b y B ook s and Chapters, R e v . Jo h n H . Hun ter; Personal E vangelism and P ractical W ork, b y Superintendent T . C . Horton. „ T h e whole atmosphere o f the Institute is calcu lated to promote a high degree o f Christian character and experience. PRACTICAL WORK : T h e Institute conducts aggressive evangelistic wo rk , under competent leadership, along the fo llow ing lines: In the Oil F ields. Am on g the Span ish -speaking peop le in Lo s A n geles and V icin ity. In the Shop s and Factories. Am o n g the Seam en in the Pacific Coast H arbors. T h e B ib le Women, in house- to-house visitation and hold ing o f B ib le C lasses. Am on g the Jew s. In Hunan, China, where Dr. F ran k A . K e lle r carries on B ib le Insti­ tute and C o lpo rtage W ork. Th e W o rk o f the P ocket Testam ent League, fo r which the Institute is the Pacific Coast Headquarters. YOU CAN HELP: Send us the names o f wo rthy young peop le who should be interested in Christian training also— W e need a great deal o f money with which to carry on this intensive and extensive wo rk , at hom e and abroad. W e need you r prayers. W e need you r help. W e need YO U , and you need U S. E v e ry departm ent o f our w o rk is bringing defin ­ ite results fo r our Lo rd . W e shall be glad to giv e you further in fo r­ mation regard ing any part o f the wo rk in which you m ay b e specially interested. A d d re ss T . C . HO R TON , Superintendent.

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