King's Business - 1920-02

152 3— —The Miraculous element in the Bible. 4— -The inspiration of the Bible. 5— -The doctrines of the Bible. 6— the Bible. 7.— The method of interpretation of the Bible. 8— God in flesh. 104-The atonement of Jesus Christ for sin and guilt. 11 —■The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 12— ^The Personal Coming of Jesus Christ. 13— The purpose, authority, and or­ dinances of the Gospel. 14— —1The official inauguration and governmental manifestation of the Kingdom of God on earth. 15— The Resurrection of the body in likeness to Christ’s Body. 16— The fact of Hell, and the result of sin as seen in the loss of the soul. 17— The fact of the Fall of man and the need of a Divine Saviour. 18— The personality of Satan. It is seen that the above covers the whole Bible,-, and that in this conflict the very existence of the Christian Church is at stake, that is, as an evan­ gelical and Divinely-appointed soul­ winning institution. The True Church W ill Triumph Let it be here stated with a tremen­ dous emphasis that we have no concern as to the ultimate triumph of the Church. Our concern, rather, is for the teaching, the ministry of service of the Church in the world today, for the lost and perishing that are dependent upon the Church for salvation, and for the sheep that have no true shepherds. The Bible w'ill live; but we are concerned that it shall not be emasculated and prevented from having untrammeled ex-j The authority and infallibility of The eternal Sonship and Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9— The Incarnation of the Son of

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S pression. The critics may succeed in luring men and women away from the Bible as the voice and comfort of God to human hearts, but they can no more destroy the Bible as a Divine Revela­ tion than they could banish the stars or break up the; rock-ribbed framework of our planet. What we demand is that these men shall be prevented from oc­ cupying prominent positions wherein they carry on their work of destroying the faith of men in the Bible as the Word of God. We Demand that the Sacred Word shall be permitted to do its own appointed work. The New The­ ology teachers have tried to chain up and strangle the Bible, or to make it speak, if at all, in an unknown tongue; but we insist that they shall set the Bible free, that the Christian people Shall put an end to the array of in­ sidious falsehoods in modern teaching that have been launched against the in­ spiration of the Bible. The time has come when these men should be pre­ vented from masquerading around un­ der the guise of a pretended scholar­ ship and the cloak of religion. Thera is something far more important than that the critics should draw generous salaries from funds furnished by ortho­ dox believers in the Bible as the Word of God; and that something is the faith of two million students who comprise the flower and hope of American Chris­ tianity. We demand that the false teacher of Modernism shall be un­ frocked. And listen, my friends: If God spares the writer he fully expects to see the day when a New Theology teach­ er will not be found occupying a chair in any evangelical institution through­ out this broad land, for the hour of his exit is at hand! The Church has the ability and is fully competent to adequately deal with the problem of modern criticism. The Church does not quite understand her

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