King's Business - 1920-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S active layman bring the matter before a meeting of the entire church, after mature thought and careful preparation. Remember that everything worth whilq in this world has had to encounter op­ position. Prejudice,' pride, and ignor­ ance often play a large part in all un­ worthy opposition to noble causes. One of the things that Zechariah saw in his vision was “ Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord and Satan standing by his right hand.” (Zechariah 3:1.) There is where Satan stands. He is present at every.service in the church, and stands, the invisible devil, by the'side of every true preacher in the pulpit, and saint in the pew. But let not the church hesitate, let her be strong and courageous, and not under­ value this splendid service. The old adage is soi true— “ A stitch in time saves nine,” and a simple protest by the churches sent out to various insti­ tutions may be the means of heading off what might ultimately prove to be the destruction of our civilization. This is a most valuable, a momentous thing to do', and let the churches resort with­ out delay to this method and take the first step in our great reform. If the churches, as a body, should be defeated in this, then let some society , in the church send its protest! Individuals Should Protest Furthermore, let individuals also pro­ test as individuals. Many thousands of persons are contributors to these insti­ tutions. Let them register their hearty disapproval. Let them serve no­ tice that they will withhold their gifts until the desired reforms are brought to pass. Money talks. Should we withhold our donations as churches and individuals from our col­ leges, universities, seminaries, and other schools where Modernism is taught? This in nearly every case would surely be a wise tiling to do. Paul said, “ If meat make my brother

154 preacher said: “ I understand Andrew Jackson is with us and I have been re­ quested to be guarded in my remarks. A.ndrew Jackson will go to Hell as quick as any other man if he does not repent.” At the close of the service the Pres­ ident stepped forward and said: “ Sir, if I had a regiment' of men like you I could whip the world.” 'ihis is the courage needed. The rich man who recehtly pledged $100,000 to foreign missions but who withdrew the gift when he learned that the Board was going to send out young men fresh from a New York seminary;: who denied the Virgin Birth, who ad­ vocated the “ German Kultur” , is typ­ ical of the growing spirit of a new and better day. It will be the local churches that will bring to pass the much-needed reforms in our institutions, and within their own denominations. Every upward movement in history has had its inspiration and origin in the Church of God, not necessarily in the hierarchy or ecclesiastical side of the Church, hut in the great ecclesia, the called out, Spirit-baptized Body of Jesus Christ, or the true Church of God. The churches can make a strong pro­ test against the New Theology teach­ ing, in all our institutions. This is our first and most imperative duty. We can at least protest. As the late Rev. Edward Judson of New York once said: “ A Protestant ought to have, at least, a protest in him.” It takes some courage to make a pro­ test of this kind, but where is there the church that has not the Christian man­ hood to do it? Some will object. Mod­ ernism has friends here and there in the churches, and some of these are prominent in the official boards; but this opposition can be overcome. If it should appear too strong for victory in the official board, let the pastor or some

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