King's Business - 1920-02

TKe Christian Fundamentals League Succeeding the “ International Christian Truth Investigation Society” A n Organization to Combat “ Isms” on Constructive and Aggressive Lines

We are glad to recommend to our readers a new organization known as “ The Christian Fundamentals League,” with headquarters in Los Angeles. The league was originally organized under the name “ International Christian Truth Investigation Society” but the name proving cumbersome and not sug­ gestive of the real purposes of the so­ ciety, and helpful suggestions having been gathered out of a touch with many prominent ministers and laymen, the need of reorganization on a more sub­ stantial basis was seen. Dr. R. A. Had­ den of Pasadena, one of the most suc­ cessful Y. M. C. A. workers the coun­ try has had during the war period, a man well known throughout the coun­ try as a Bible teacher, is superintendent of the league and is directing its ac­ tivities along aggressive, constructive lines. The executive board of the league is made up entirely of laymen, all of whom are well known Los An­ geles 1business men. W. E. McVay, vice-president of the Guaranty Trust & Savings Bank, is treasurer of the league. The purpose of the league is to meet the rising tide of erroneous teachings concerning the Scriptures as propa­ gated by modern cults. This is to be done, through a constructive program in which vthe fundamentals of the old faith will be emphasized through brief conferences held in conjunction with the evangelical churches, and through literature to be widely circulated, by means of literature racks and other methods. The work is' strictly unde­ nominational but has in its incorpora­ tion articles a definite evangelical creed for which it purposes to contend, namely (1) The authority of the Scrip­

tures; (2) The Trinity of the Godhead; (3) The Deity of Christ; (4) The sub­ stitutionary atonement; (5) The neces­ sity of regeneration; (6) The personal­ ity of Satan; (7) Immortality of the saved. The league has a national policy which provides that branch state of­ fices may be organized, and that under these state offices, community organiza­ tions may be formed, the responsibility of the latter being to erect and main­ tain thé literature racks, keeping them supplied with the literature .approved by the league. ih e community branches will also aid in bringing about meetings for the examination of the

Dr. Robert A . Hadden

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