King's Business - 1920-02

B IBLE IN S T IT U T E H A P P E N IN G S Particularly o f Interest to Friends and Students

The series of tent evangelistic meet­ ings undertaken by the Christian En­ deavor Societies of Los Angeles county were crowned with remarkable success. Although the meetings lasted but one week in a district, the conversions would probably average 75 a week, a large portion of the converts being young people. The depth of the work is largely due to the fact that two young evangelists of ieal consecration were employed in the work, namely Harlow W. Parsons and Harry W. vom Bruch. Mr. Parsons is a graduate of'the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and had the privilege of going around the world with Torrey and Alexander as one of the party. He is a deep student of the Word and a believer in expository mes­ sages. The Lord has wonderfully used him in deepening the lives of Christians, and especially in calling into the Lord’s service hundreds of young people. It is doubtful if the church in which he, Mr. Parsons, preached will ever hear more solid Scriptural sermons than he gave them. Mrs. Parson’s messages to young women wqre a great blessing in each of the series of meetings. Wm. G. Colby, a former student and an early member of the Fisherman Club, recently laid down his life in China. Mr. Colby had an unusual sor­ row in going out to China, because his wife, a bride of a few weeks, died as they reached Honolulu. Mr. Colby was a splendid specimen of a consecrated, devoted man of God.

has moved to Arque where he is open­ ing a new work for the mission. The Gospel has never been preached in Arque. Allyn B. Cooke, ’ 18, with the China Inland Mission, has been transferred from Yunnan Fu to Tengyueh. In a recent letter he remarked that there would be no typewriter in the new sta­ tion to which he was going. The Insti­ tute students immediately purchased the typewriter and sent it to him with a full supply of materials, and it was found that the amount needed was over-

H. C. McKinney, who is with the Bolivian Indian Mission writes that he

E'Oangelist Harlow W . Parsons

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