King's Business - 1920-02


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

go back to and no worry about rent due for lodgment, he spends freely, es­ pecially as he gets his wages in a, lump sum. It takes God’s power through the preaching of the Gospel to effect indi­ vidual salvation and for this reason all man made schemes are rejected and God is given the opportunity to “ save to the uttermost” even a sailor in his dire hour of need. After five years’ absence, a Norwegian tramp arrived among many other ves­ sels which were due from far and near. The crew had been paid off and many were under influence of liquor and in sad shape. Officers of the ship said, “ There is no use in anyone talking to them now. They are not even sober.” What a picture of human wretchedness and misery! The Gospel in print was given out in Norwegian and in spite of , the warning of the officers, we had a good time among them. “ The Way to God” and “ Select Sermons” were well received and carefully laid aside in trunks and under pillows for the time when long days with no outside news whatever would make the books doubly welcome. Going from man to man, fin­ ally a fellow was reached lying in bed who was brought under deep convic­ tion. He did not think he was saved but tried to do the best he could and admitted he was bothered at times being not at all satisfied. One thing led to another until he confessed that he really would like to be sure that all was well. This rough looking man lay there and took in the story of God’s love and his eyes lightened as he saw the way of salvation made plain from God’s Word. He said he had no reason to reject Christ and would be glad to yield him­ self to Him accepting His as his own personal Saviour. Showing how He opens doors, giving an entrance, to a group of sailors who said when approached that they were very much interested in evolution, the following incident is related: The Lord used a thought given by another brother to save the day, he asserting that from Scripture and per­ sonal experience it was very apparent that, far from developing from a mon­ key, man is making a monkey' of him­ self; and, speaking of the fall of man, the worker was led to say that they (the sailors) really after all do not believe in evolution and that the worker could prove it. They were startled and began to think when told that, in the first place, no evolutionist really followed

out his so-called scheme, but limited his theory to man, just a small part of creation. How about the material uni­ verse? “ I suppose you men,” the worker said, “ believe that once upon a time a rock was in existence and this rock grew and grew and so, through evolution, the origin of the mighty mountains is solved.” The men looked and thought. “ Then again there was a little candle burning nicely and the sun of today has sprung from it after centuries of evolu­ tion. Very simple, this evolution busi­ ness; isn’t it? And to find the origin of the vast expanse of water, the oceans of the earth, evolution would tell us of a little drop of water in a man’s hand as the beginning from which has come the water in every lake and ocean.” The sailors were wondering. “Now in conclusion, the big storm of a few days ago, sweeping land and sea had an origin; small, yes, according to evolution carried to a logical conclu­ sion. There was once a mosquito which coughed and although that was in the dim dawn of the earth’s history it was the beginning of storms and cyclones.” The sarcasm and ridicule brought forth only silence, but when asked if they really believed in evolution the men said finally, “ We didn’t think of it in that way before.” One said, “ To tell the truth Darwin’s idea never seemed quite clear to me although I have been a strong believer in evolution.” God opened the door and after that there was order and a good hearing was given the Gospel. While passing in a narrow compan­ ionway aboard ship a well dressed gen­ tleman said to the worker, “Have you a copy of ‘Wonders of Prophecy’ on hand? It is a wonderful book. I picked it up in the Chief Engineer’s office while wait­ ing for him. It changed my whole life and although brought up a strong Catholic and afterwards in the War with no chance to read the Bible, I began to read that book and can see how won­ derfully true the Book (Bible) is. We are living very near Christ’s coming.” Only one of many cases where God honored His Word and let us know results.—-Oscar Zimrnermann, Supt. Teaching Them “ Line Upon Line” They “ walk in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding dark­ ened, being alienated from the life of

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