King's Business - 1920-02

J HOLV - [[¡BIBLE 1Believe H Christ and be saved ai 1 ______ A fs lordJesus thou Shalt i thyhouse. [6-31




“ The state of unregeneracy is very clearly illustrated. Some men are away down below the surface in the under­ ground villainy and criminality of flagrant wickedness. Others range about the ordinary surfacing, the lowest altitude in the state of unregeneracy, while you are on the summit of Mount Morality, but you are still in the state of unregeneracy.” He looked at me in dumb amazement for a moment and said without a word of argument, “ Doc­ tor Oliver, you have knocked the props" out from under me; I am with you,” and he walked down the aisle to the place of prayer, where he publicly con­ fessed Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, while his friends cheered to the echo.—Dr. French Oliver. Are Y ou Speculating? When they asked the dying Faraday — “What are your speculations?” He replied that he was not “ pillowing his head on any speculations.” Said he,. “ I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.” What Has God D one? When, through Adam’s fall, man­ kind sinned and the whole human race went down into ruin, there were three things we can think of that God might dp. He might ignore man’s sin, and Him­ self a perfect, sinless, and holy God, take into fellowship with Himself for time and eternity sinful, sinning, sin- saturated human beings. But that is in­ conceivable. A holy, sinless God can not ignore sin.

Salvation is something that must be won for us; it can never be won by us. That is what we mean when we say that salvation is by grace, not by works: by the grace of God for men, not by the works of men for God. A ll In the Same State I was talking with a brilliant young physician in Kansas a few years ago in one of our meetings, . when he said, “ Doctor, I am tied to my mother’s apron strings. I have always lived up to her teachings; morally, and I pride myself on the fact that while X was away in the médical institution, where I received high honors, I kept myself clean. I do not profess to be a Chris­ tian, but I am a better moral man than any of the church-members of this city.” I said, “ Doctor, I do not doubt you for an instant, but I want your attention. Unregeneracy is a state. You have not been regenerated, have you?” He re­ plied, “ No, sir, I do not claim to be a regenerated man.” I was" standing in the aisle by the side of the physician, and I drew a square in the sawdust, and said, “ Doctor, let this square repre­ sent the State of Colorado.” He said, “ All right.” I continued, “ Suppose the altitude at the lowest point is 2,000 feet above the sea level, and suppose the highest altitude, the summit of Pike’s Peak, to be 14,200 feet above the sea level, and suppose there are people in the Colorado mines who are 3,000 feet below the lowest altitude in the state. Whether they are in the mines, on the lowest altitude, or on the summit of Pike’s Peak, they are all in the St«te of Colorado!”

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