King's Business - 1920-02

TKe CKosen People, Tke Land and die Book

Notes Concerning tke JevJs and Prophecj)

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No Hebrew Expositors Mr. Claude Montefiore, in the Jew­ ish. Guardian, says: “ If anybody today wants information about, or commentaries upon, any por­ tion of the Hebrew Bible, it is not from books written by Jews that he will get it. All the best and most available books are by Christian scholars, and this fact is true not only for English books, but for French books and Ger­ man books as well. There is not a sin­ gle first-rate commentary by any living Jewish scholar on the Prophets or the Psalms. Even the Pentateuch is neglected.’’ The Jewish Exodus The Jews of Bulgaria have just es­ tablished a Bulgarian Palestine Bank with capital of 10,000,000 leva, one- half for the purchase of land in Pales­ tine, the rest for commercial purposes connected with Zion. Great numbers of university students are going from Germany. An immense exodus from Galicia, Bukowina, Transylvania and Poland is in sight. Five thousand fam­ ilies in Warsaw alone registered for the migration before April 4 last. Mayor of Jerusalem Mr. Nathan Straus, the philanthropist of New York, we are told by the press, has intimated that he has now one am­ bition,— to return ,to Palestine and there be elected mayor of Jerusalem. Where could the Holy City find a bet­ ter one? It will be recalled that an­ other Jewish Nathan, Signor Ernesto Nathan, was some years ago Mayor of Rome. They Are a Chosen People Egyptian Pharaohs, Assyrian kings, Roman emperors, Scandinavian cru­ saders, Gothic princes and holy in­

quisitors have alike devoted their en­ ergies to the fulfilment of a common purpose— the extirpation of the Jews. Expatriation, exile, captivity, confisca­ tion, torture on the most ingenious, and massacre on the most exhaustive scale, and a curious system of degrad­ ing customs and debasing laws, which would have broken the heart of any other people, have been tried, and in vain. The Jews, after this havoc, are probably more numerous at this date / than they were during the reign of Solomon the Wise, are found in all lands, and prospering in most. All this proves that it is in vain for man to attempt to baffle the inexorable law of nature, which has decreed that a superior race shall never be destroyed or absorbed by an inferior.-1—Benjamin Disraeli (Jewish Convert). God’s d o ck of Prophecy “ Messiah ¡shall be cut off but not for Himself” (Dan. 9:26). The above verse is never read by the Jews. Sev­ eral verses of this same chapter are re­ peated by them every Monday and Thursday; but the ones which so plain­ ly prophesy of the suffering of the Mes­ siah— never. The Rabbis pronounce a dreadful curse upon any one who in­ vestigates the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks. They say: “ Their bones shall rot who compute the end of time.” The reason for this is clear. Whoever looks into the prophecies concerning the Seventy Weeks will find out with ease that the Messiah was due to come ac­ cording to God’s clock of prophecy, at the exact time of the coming of Jesus Christ into this earth. The Redeemer has come, and His grace will now save to the Uttermost all that come unto God by Him.

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