King's Business - 1920-02


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

the agent of Satan in a. new role. He has Jhe dress suit of Heaven in which to serve the devil. He has been bap­ tized with water but not with the Spirit> His name is on the church roll, hut not in God’s book. Many think that money will buy the favor of God. Rich men try to buy with "their money— poor men with their works— the things of God, but it is un­ availing. Insincerity is the sin of sins. Poor, deluded Simon! He was as much duped by Satan as were his followers by him­ self. Peter saw through thè pretense; saw the heart beneath the mask; the language which he uses is exceedingly strong: “ The gall of bitterness; the bond of iniquity.” Simon was frightened but not convicted. He fears punishment, but there is no sorrow for sin. He wanted prayers, but had no penitence. He calls upon Peter to save him. Peter’s reply, is to “ Repent and call upon the Lord.” Peter is no pope assuming power. He doesn’t even promise to pray for him. Do not encourage men too much to ask for prayer; don’t promise too readily to pray for men or for ob­ jects. We cannot pray for anything until we get the mind of God. Peter and John were so poor that they had to say “ Silver and gold— none,” and yet so rich that they could say “ Thy money perish with thee.” PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Persecution is the forerunner of preaching. Scattered sparks be­ come flames of fire. (2) Satan always overreaches himself, when he persecutes the church. (3) Martyrs make missionaries. (4) Simon, the pretender, was a suc­ cessful sorcerer, an insincere pro­ fessor, a baptized hypocrite, a de­ tected deceiver. (5) Spiritual gifts imply serious re­ sponsibilities. (6) Wealth and works may simulate

sanctity, but cannot deceive God. (7) A heart is not right with God when it lacks true faith in Christ; when it seeks to make gain of godliness; when it seeks to purchase God’s power; when it secretly loves sin. i i Subject Illustration—Missionary. Our mission station (China) is sit­ uated in the country, at the foot of a range of.hills. The nearest Mandarin walled city which governs our district is 13 miles dis- LESSON tant. So in un- ILLUSTRATIOXS restful t i m e s W. H. Pike like the pres­ ent, w e a r e without the slightest protection from, brigands. During the year and a half we have worked here our village has been attacked five times, yet with poor success. We carry no arms of any kind but we had the unfailing promise of God, our Saviour, “ Lo, I am with you alway.” Not once have we been touched though during the first raid, while one of the business, houses was in flames and yells rent the air, the brigands passed right by our gateless cart-gate, firing off a revolver as they passed by. These deliverances have made a great impression upon the na­ tives and in a remarkable manner have paved the way for preaching the Gos­ pel. We Preach—God Works. Dr. Chapman told this incident, “ Just to pass away an evening a man came into pne of the'services in Los Ange­ les. The power of God seemed at once to take hold of him. He lifted his hand for prayer, and to the consterna­ tion of the one who knelt with him, he said, ‘I am here playing the races, and am the owner of five saloons in my home city..’ His conviction seemed to deepen with each service, and at last he boldly stood up and acknowledged his allegi­ ance to the Saviour.” "

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