King's Business - 1920-02

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


There is but one way of peace. Men are by nature rebels— law-breakers. God, against whom men have sinned, is alone able to offer terms of peace. No man makes his peace with God. God raises the white flag Himself and de­ clares the terms. The peace-maker' ir Jesus Christ, God’s Son. His mission from Heaven was to reconcile the world unto God (Col. 1:20, 21K Under the old dispensation, peace-offerings meant bloody offerings. Peace could not be de­ clared until the offering was made. God must be justified, satisfied, vindicated. Paul emphasizes this truth (Eph. 2: 11-14); it was the basis of his preach­ ing (Eph. 2:7; Luke 4:18). That Jesus Christ was God’s author­ ized ambassador,— God manifest in the flesh,— is proven by His life and works He forgave sin and gave peace, (Mark 5:34; Luke 7:50; Luke 8:48; Rom. 5 :1). The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is fully attested (Luke 24:34: Acts 4 :2). The Lord’s Day, the Bible, the believers,— always, everywhere, at­ test His resurrection. We testify to it by our life,— the Holy Spirit within us, working through us. It is the business of,,the believer tc prove to the world the resurrection of Christ (2 Cor. 4 :6). This is the com­ mand of our Lord, and any man who fails to obey,— who disregards this commission, or who preaches any other gospel,— is recreant to the greatest tnjst ever committed to men. Christ is to be the Judge of our faith­ fulness, as well as the Judge of the dead. Salvation is by faith in the crucified, risen Christ. There has never been but one way of salvation,— from Abel, who believed God and offered the bloody sacrifice,— until today, and that way is bv faith in God’s Lamb (John 3:36): “ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth

not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” The simplicity of it staggers unbelief, but it approves itself to the childlike. (3) THE GENTILES BAPTIZED, vs. 44-48. Peter never finished his sermon. The Holy Spirit finished it. Pentecost was repeated. The Pente­ cost of the second chapter of Acts was the Jewish Pentecost, when the door was opened to them. Now the door is opened to the Gentiles, and, as by faith they come in, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon them. All were baptized into one body (1 Cor. 12:13). They were baptized by the Spirit be­ fore they were baptized with wa,ter; added to the Church' Universal before they were added to any individual church. There is no baptismal regen­ eration. Water baptism followed their entrance into the body of Christ. Water baptism is for believers,— a public tos timony to the indwelling life of Christ. The effort of men and women to pro­ duce another Pentecost, with the ac­ companying gift of tongues, is a fail ure. There is no warrant in the Word — no need in the church. There is need for the abandonment of believers tc Christ, and to the fulness of the Spirit. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) Trust God to send the Word tc men who want the truth. (2) Peter was no pope, for he would receive no worship. (3) God’s good servants go as soon as they are sent. (4) A prepared preacher; a prepared 'people; a poured-out Spirit. (5) Peter had learned his lesson,— God is no respecter of persons. Have you?. (6) Peter’s eyps had been opened to see; his heart, to believe; now his mouth is opened for God. (7) When all are present before God

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