King's Business - 1920-02

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S to hear all things commanded of God, the almighty power of God will he manifest. (8) The sermon was cut short by a blessed baptism. (9) Tongues testify to the glory of God. i l Subject Illustration— Soulwinning Re­ sponsibility. A business lhan in a western city of America said to a fellow-merchant, “ How long have we known each other?” “ About fifteen years,” was the answer. “ Do you be- LESSON lieve it is neces- ILLUSTRATIONS sary for me to W. H. Pike believe on the Lord J e s u s Christ if I am to be saved?” “ Yes, cer­ tainly.” “ Do you care or not whether I am saved?” “ Indeed, I do,” came the answer. “ Pardon me,” the friend an­ swered, “ but I do not believe you care at all whether I am saved or not. We have met repeatedly during the last fif­ teen years. I have heard you speak on many topics. You have never said a word to me about my salvation.” What a contrast to Peter going to Cornelius. A robin which had been fed by a peasant during the severe winter, re­ turned the following year to his kind friend bringing a mate. Do as much as the robin. Andrew brought Peter (Jno. 1:42). A Sunday School worker by smiling at a baby, held up at the window of a home as he went, Sunday after Sun­ day, to services, by degrees won the children and parents to Christ. Prayer In Relation to Soul-Winning. “ In a Texas town two men quarreled over a difference of $16 and were kept from killing each other by friends. Our pianist was a niece of one of the men. The affair was in the way of the meet­ ings. We resorted to a night of prayer

199 in which fifty people engaged. The niece finally prayed through and thanked God for their reconciliation. The next night while I was preaching. Mr. S. started to the front; Judge W. was sitting in an automobile, but he climbed out and the two men met in front of the pulpit, and their hearts melted in the revival fire that swept over the entire town.” (L. E. F.) A Modern Cornelius. A Colporteur gave a copy off the New Testament to a soldier at Toulon, France. When he received it, he said, “ It will do very well to light my pipe by.” A year later, being in France, the Colporteur sought lodging at an inn, where he found the people in great dis­ tress over the death of a son, who had returned from the war. “ He died so happily,” said the mother. “ He found his comfort in this little book.” They brought him the Book and it was the little Testament he had given him at Toulon. God No Respector of Persons. A man overcome by drink, deter­ mined to take his life. He entered the woods for this purpose. As he drew his handkerchief from his pocket a little tract fell to the ground. He read it, was lead to cry to God for mercy and became a Christian. The Golden Text Illustration. One of our freight conductors, who had been converted, was visited by his father. When the time came for re­ tiring, the son gathered his family around the family altar so recently erected, and lifted his heart to God in prayer. It sent conviction to his father’s heart, and the next evening at the church he was found among those who were bowed before God, seeking the forgiveness of sins. Today he is re­ joicing in a Saviour’s love. A poor old bed-ridden woman, who was very profane, had the tract, “ A Swearer’s Prayer” given her to read.

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