King's Business - 1920-02

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S that brought Dorcas back from death into life again. God alone has power to raise the dead. Peter would be the first to disclaim any power of his own to do so. It was thus seen that the disciples lost nothing by Jesus going to Heaven. It was expedient for them that He should go. Prom that lofty plane of vantage He could work to far better effect than ever before. Mark 16:20, John 14:12. SUNDAY, Feb. 15. A cts 10:30-48. Peter and Cornelius. The angel who came to Cornelius could not preach the Gospel to him however much he might have desired to do so. He could only direct him to a man who should perform this duty. God has committed unto man the min­ istry of reconciliation. If man does not preach the Word unto his fellow man; it never will be preached at all. Angels may covet the privilege but can not ex­ ercise it. What a great responsibility it is to be put in trust with the Gos­ pel! How great the condemnation if there be failure! Spurgeon used' to say, “ The question for us to raise is not what will become of the heathen if they do not have the Gospel but what will become of us if we do not give them the Gospel.” MONDAY, Feb. 16. Acts 10:9-18. Overcom ing Prejudice. It was a triumph of Divine grace and power to sweep away the prejudice that existed between Jew and Gentile. It was the product of centuries and was worse than Hindu caste. While the Jews who had been saved had up to this time accepted Christ, they had not rejected Moses, who had forbidden all intercourse with the heathen. The Samaritans were the half-way house that made the transition easier. No earthly power could solve such a prob­ lem in many generations. The Gospel brought about this marvelous revolu-

221 tion than which history records no greater, wrought even by force of arms. It took a special revelation from heaven to convince Peter and bring him into harmony with the Divine purpose. TUESDAY, Feb. 17. Acts 10:34-44. The Spirit and the W ord. The Holy Spirit is the agent and the Word of God is the instrument in sal­ vation. A man of God must use the Word of God and the Spirit of God will apply it and make it effectual. Peter used the truth about Jesus Christ and as soon as he had used enough for the present purpose, as if the Holy Spirit had been waiting for that, He inter­ rupted the sermon, set the preacher aside and took matters into His own hands, vs. 44. May we conceive of the Holy Spirit waiting to take similar ac­ tion in our sanctuaries today? Does He ever wait in vain and the congregation depart unblessed because the preacher has not uttered enough, truth concern­ ing Christ to form a basis for the Spirit’s action? WEDNESDAY, Feb. 18. A cts 10:44-48. The Gentile Pentecost. A series of Pentecosts is recorded in the book of Acts. There is the Jewish Pentecost in the second chapter, - the Samaritan Pentecost in the eighth chapter, the Gentile Pentecost in the tenth chapter, the Ephesian Pentecost in the nineteenth chapter and the Pauline Pentecost in ch. 9:17. There is a sense in which the Gentile Pentecost seems an advance upon the Jewish be­ cause in this case the Spirit fell upon the congregation while in the former case it was confined to the speakers. The fact that the Holy Spirit had been poured out upon the Gentiles warranted the conclusion of 11:18. “ Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted re­ pentance unto life.”

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