King's Business - 1920-02

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


and the fire, let us ‘persuade men’ (1 Cor. 5:11). It is not possible to say too much about Christ. But it is quite possible to say too little about hell.” Sfi Jfc SMOKEHOUSE MINISTERS Most tobacco-using ministers would be astonished if they knew to how many in their congregations their stench of person renders them offensive; how many housekeepers open their doors and windows, to air their rooms after their pastor’s social call, how many per­ sons shrink from the nauseating odors of the tobacco-perfumed study, when desiring religious counsel. For be it remembered that it is not his person alone which the use of tobacco rehders offensive; his smoking-room/ and his whole house suffer similarly. Curtains, carpets, furniture, pictures and books all reek alike with the foul residuum of stale tobacco smoke. There is no such

THE QUESTION OE HELL “ There is no mercy,” says Bishop Ryle, “ in keeping hack from men the subject of hell. Fearful and tremendous as it is, it ought to he pressed on all as one of the great truths of Christian­ ity. Our loving Savior speaks frequently of it. The apostle John, in the hook of Revelation, often describes it. The servants of God in these days must not be ashamed of confessing their belief in it. Were there no boundless mercy in Christ for all that believe in' him, we might well shrink from the awful topic. Were there no precious blood of Christ able to cleanse away all sin, we might well keep silence about tne wrath to come. But there is mercy for all who ask in Christ’s name. There is a foun­ tain open for all sin. Let us then boldly and unhesitatingly maintain that there is a hell, and beseech men to flee from it, before it be too late. ‘Know­ ing the terrors of the Lord,’ the worm,

H OW T O M E E T M O D E R N “ ISM S ” The pible Institute of Los Angeles Issues a Correspondence Course Equipping Students Along this Line. Personal Evangelism and Practical Work by T. C. Horton This course gives in addition to the above a thorough instruc­ tion in personal work and considerable doctrinal study. The student is afforded a personal touch by correspondence with -Mr. Horton who answers all questions concerning the course. Cost of course, ONLY $3.00. W H Y NO T S T U D Y T H IS NOW ? Write Secretary Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Calif.

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