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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
our sincere thanks and to enthusiastically say, welcome back.” .BSUJOUIBOLFE.BZPS3JPQFMBOE$IBN - plain Township council for investing into updating the building’s infrastructure and thanked public works director Sebastien Levesque and fire chief Ghislain Pigeon for keeping the library board appraised on the construction. She further thanked the library’s staff, who stayed strong and reliable over two full years of pandemic restrictions and continued to serve more than 2000 residents that make use of the library every day. The library will be open weekdays from 1 QNUPQN.BTLTXJMMTUJMMCFSFRVJSFE to enter the building. $5000, and Patrimoine L’Orignal-Longueuil Heritage will receive $4,525. Ski-Vent-Clic, the Vankleek Hill Agricultural Society, and the Vankleek Hill & District Historical Society will all receive $4000 each. The Higginson Tower Committee will receive $3000 and the Arbor Gallery Cultural Centre will receive -B#BJF3VO UIF7BOLMFFL)JMM4QPSUT Club, and Banque Alimentaire de L’Orignal will all receive $1000 each. The Vankleek Hill Skating Club will receive $995, and St. John’s Anglican Church for Women will receive $500. *OBEEJUJPO UIF$PNNVOJUZ'BDJMJUZ6TBHF Grants program will provide $2100 to the Club l’amicale du village de L’Orignal. The $BOBEJBO$BODFS4PDJFUZ3VTTFMM(BVMFZ
The Champlain Township Library reope- ned in Vankleek Hill on March 14, and residents couldn’t be more excited. After being closed for over two years due to the pandemic and ongoing renova- tions, the Champlain Township Library is open again. In-person services will resume immediately, and the library staff hopes that activities will be able to resume before too long. Virtual and curbside services will continue to operate as well so all patrons can be comfortable and safe using the library. “We are here today for two reasons,” TBJE MJCSBSZ$&0$ZOUIJB.BSUJO i5PHJWF
La réouverture de la bibliothèque du canton de Champlain a attiré une foule nombreuse. —photo Christopher Smith
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Champlain Township will give a total of $46,685 in grants to various community organizations. Champlain Township Council announced during itsregular meeting on February 10 that as part of its two grant programs, Commu- OJUZ(SBOUTBOE$PNNVOJUZ'BDJMJUZ6TBHF Grants, the township will be providing a total $46,685 in grants to various community organizations. As part of the Community Grants pro- gram, the L’Orignal Old Jail will be recei- ving $8500, the Vankleek Hill Business BOE.FSDIBOUT "TTPDJBUJPO XJMM SFDFJWF
Le canton de Champlain accordera un total de 46 685 $ en subventions à divers organismes communautaires. —photo d’archives
Breakfast and the Vankleek Hill Fiddle and Dance Association will both receive $1,502, and Vankleek Hill and District Horticultural
4PDJFUZXJMMSFDFJWF -B#BJF3VOXJMM receive an additional $488, and the Club du réveil Vankleek Hill will receive $289.
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Le port du masque ne sera plus obligatoire dans la plupart des endroits publics en Ontario à partir du 21 mars, incluant les écoles, les restaurants, les gyms et les commerces. —photo de banque en ligne
Michel Goulet 763 Edmond Street Hawkesbury, ON K6A 2Y6 613-632-3820
CHARLES DUROCHER charles.durocher@eap.on.ca
Le 21 mars marquera également la fin du dépistage quotidien contre la COVID-19 et la fin des cohortes dans les écoles. Si certains conseils scolaires se sont montrés réticents face à cette dernière levée de mesures sanitaires, le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) et le Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO) n’ont pas fait de commentaire à cet égard. Pour le CSDCEO et le CEPEO, le port du masque chez les élèves et le personnel enseignant relèvera désormais d’un choix personnel. Les deux conseils scolaires francophones continueront de fournir des masques aux élèves qui en désirent.
Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 201 . 22.
Le port du masque obligatoire prendra fin le 21 mars en Ontario, alors que le reste des restrictions sanitaires seront levées d’ici la fin du mois d’avril. Le port du masque ne sera plus obliga- toire dans la plupart des endroits publics en Ontario à partir du 21 mars, incluant les écoles, les restaurants, les gyms et les commerces. Le port du masque demeurera exigé dans le transport en commun, ainsi que dans les résidences pour ainés, dans les résidences pour soins de longue durée et dans le milieu de la santé.
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