Demetria Hill

Chain of Custody TESTING

CHAIN OF CUSTODY PATERNITY TESTING is the test choice for individuals desiring DNA testing for LEGAL purposes. This type of testing is used for changing birth certificates, establishing paternity, child support purposes, divorce proceedings, custody battles, and/or any other legal matters which requires DNA testing. The results of this test is accompanied by a chain-of-custody stamp which is required for legal proceedings. These test are completed in the office and must be accompanied with a picture ID or identifying government issued

information which verifies your identity. In addition to, the facility will take a picture of the alleged father and the child to accompany the sample to be tested to the DNA Diagnostics lab. Test results available within 3-5 business days. This type of testing is available through my testing facility for $400.

For additional information and or to schedule an appointment, please call 478-227-7299 or send an email to


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