2021 Endocrine Surgery Annual Report

General/Emergency operative cases

Thyroid complications 2000–2021 Figure 21 shows the percentage of thyroid complications since 2000, classified by complication type (permanent RLN palsy and reoperation for haemorrhage). In general, complications have been decreasing over time.

In 2021 there was a total of 213 general/emergency operative cases. The most common procedures were appendicectomy (48.4%) and abscess (20.7%) (Figure 23).


Figure 21. Thyroid complication rate from 2000–2021

Parathyroid complications 2000–2021 Figure 22 shows the number of parathyroid complications from 2000 to 2021, classified by complication type (permanent RLN palsy and reoperation for haemorrhage). As with thyroid complications, these have also been decreasing.

Figure 23. General/emergency operative cases breakdown


Figure 22. Parathyroid complication rate from 2000–2021



Endocrine Surgery Annual Report 2021

Endocrine Surgery Annual Report 2021

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