Ardmag HAPPY New Year Edition : Feb 2023

five secrets to happiness

happy new you year! We need to learn, and be comfortable to love ourselves exactly how are are now - not when we work harder or when we acquire wants. Are you subconsciously withholding self-love until you have achieved something or checked something of your list? Identify your list, become of aware of it and consciously choose you are worthy of love as you are. Offer love to yourself // Pay attention to the words you use as you speak with yourself // Ask yourself ‘What do i need today?’ // Forgive yourself

Respond with Kindness Happiness Skill #1

Everyday, we will have to deal with stressful moments. You can beat yourself up, which makes the stress bigger. Or you can be kind to yourself, which helps to reduce it. Kindness is a choice that has a huge impact on your health, relationships, productivity, and well-being. When you’re stressed and you treat yourself with kindness, it can help to calm this stress response down. Breathe Deeply // Move, release stress energy // Label the feeling // Share how you are feeling // Face challenges with others // It will take time to unlearn old habits and learn new ones, and self-compassion is essential on the journey. Self-compassion has been associated with greater life satisfaction, emotional intelligence, social connectedness, happiness, and optimism, and less depression, perfectionism, and anxiety. We can’t eliminate stress from our lives. But we can treat ourselves with kindness when we experience it, and in the process, make it easier to cope with.

Loving Yourself Happiness Skill #2


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