Ardmag HAPPY New Year Edition : Feb 2023

Feb 2023

coming up...

Advanced therepies London Germfree Europe are attending Advanced Therapies from the 14th to the 15th of March in London. The Advanced Therapies Congress is Europe’s largest cell and gene therapy conference and exhibition for ATMP developers and senior executives responsible for the latest technologies and strategies that are driving the industry forward. We will be showcasing our Germfree mobile cGMP cleanroom using our Virtual Reality headset and 3D model.

datacloud global congress 2023 Datacloud Global Congress (April 25-27) is the premier leadership gathering for senior executives in the ICT space, notably with a focus on digital infrastructure (data centres, cloud providers, edge providers) with finance, tech leaders, enterprise, terrestrial and subsea fibre providers, energy companies and government agencies in attendance. Roy Millar, Jason Casey and Peter Lonergan are hosting a networking drinks reception in Monaco that week to bring together industry leaders.


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