KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

MULTIPLY Your Ministry EXTEND Your Life and Influence through The Biola Fellowship . . . The Biola Fellowship consists of those who share in the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary through regular prayer sup­ port, moral support and financial assistance. This special group carries a heavy responsibility for God. We proudly call them The Biola Fellowship. Many of these friends have prayed much for Biola through the years. Many have become per­ sonal ambassadors of goodwill for the school. A great host of these same folk have also supported Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary with regular financial offerings. Some give $5, $10, $25, and more each month to assist Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary in its great program of Christian edu­ cation. The average Biola Fellowship gift is $3. per month. Naturally, many give more. But, if you can only afford $2 each month (less than 7( a day) you have made a genuine contribution to Biola. Won’t you make an investment in educating the young men and women that come to Biola? If you are willing, let us hear from you. Remember, the Biola Broadcaster is a special gift to our Biola Fellowship family. This non- subscription publication is yours for the asking. I am enclosing $___ _______for the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary as my investment this month and I will endeavor to give regularly $____________ Monthly,_____ _ Quarterly......... Semi-Annually____ Annually......... We will be happy to send you a packet of envel­ opes ideal for monthly contributions. Mr. Mrs. Miss.___________ .______________

esis lasting thousands of years. We are assured, however, that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Never lose sight of that all-important fact. Scientists may be right in saying that there were great prehistoric animals which lived hundreds of thousands, and perhaps even millions, of years ago. This would be a pre-Adamic age, before the period of the re­ construction shown in verse three. They were destroyed so far as life was concerned. Their fossil re­ mains were hidden in that condi­ tion of destruction. No, the book of Genesis goes back much further than 4,000 years. As to a declara­ tion that the earth is billions of years old, that is simply a guess at very best. Such a figure is what they have to use in order to teach an evolutionary hypothesis. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. "Why does a certain preacher keep having us repeat Luke 16:16?" A. Without knowing the pastor and what his motivation might be, it would be difficult for us to an­ swer. Knowing the verse involved it would appear that this minister is interested in seeing souls saved. This is not only the opportune time, but also we are to offer sal­ vation to all men without any cov­ etous thoughts. In the context, the Lord has been rebuking the Phar­ isees on this point. This is the hour of opportunity (II Cor. 6:2). This is a wonderful chapter, by the way, on money. There are two marvel­ ous parables here on how and how not to use money.


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