KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

pose (Luke 19: 11ff). Christ en­ deavored to get across to the dis­ ciples the truth that John evidently understood very well. The King­ dom would not be established right then. First must come the cross. The disciples doubtless were so enamored with the prospect of the immediate kingdom that they failed to understand why the Lord would purposely go to Jerusalem to suffer the things which He fore­ saw. John 3:14-16 is to be connected with John 3:3. We cannot enter the kingdom of Cod unless we have the new birth. This comes as a result of looking to the Christ who died on the cross. This was absolutely necessary that we might have eternal Salvation. John fo­ cuses on the person of Christ: His death and resurrection. Here we gain a clear picture of who Jesus really is. It makes the Old Testa­ ment clarified as well as the Sav­ iour's future plans. God wants us to dedicate ourselves to the pur­ poses of Christ even as John did. Will Calvary come to mean this for us? T H E L O R D JESU S C H R IS T Of the three lives surrounding the crucifixtion none of them can measure up to a consideration of Christ Himself. How did He look at the cross? The passage I would select is John 12. We reflect that the people had high hopes. Just after His triumphal entry into Jeru­ salem, however, these same peo­ ple were swayed by the religious leaders and were turned against Him. No wonder the Pharisees were fearful. Their concern was that He would not have any more Page 35

the glory which I had with Thee before the world was" (17:5). This goes back to before the world was formed. He also gives testimony to the sinlessness of Christ (18:38). John seems to delight in telling that even the enemies of Christ, and those who condemned Him could find no fault in His person (19: 4-6). John helps us make the Old Testament clear (19:24). The prop­ hecy was first recorded in Psalm 22:18. This was a thousand years before His coming. What an amaz­ ing prediction to be fulfilled. In verse 36, John explains, "For these things were done, that the Scrip­ ture should be fulfilled, a bone of Him shall not be broken." We find again in Psalm 34:20 and in Zach- ariah 12:10 the fact that the peo­ ple would look upon Him whom they had pierced. Yes, the Old Testament presents the story of the crucified Messiah (Isa. 53). Some 700 years before the coming of Christ Isaiah was moved by the Holy Spirit to write his prophecy. Christ tried to clarify this in Luke 24. The disciples were confused and concerned (Luke 24:25). Again He patiently uses the truths from the Old Testament to teach them about Himself. John, too, under­ scores the fact that it was the pur­ pose of Christ coming into this world to die for the sins of man. It would be later that He would set up His Kingdom. There was something else, the crucifixtion, which had to come first. The King­ dom was clearly revealed, too (18: 33-37). The Lord sought to show that it was not His purpose to set up the kingdom right then. He would come again to set up His Kingdom which was still His pur­

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