KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

was a failure to set a distinction between true and false religions. In this ancient city idolatry was rampant. But the exhortation from Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is a vital truth for us today. Where false religions or teachings are concerned we are to be absolutely separate from them. Separation involves both a neg­ ative and a positive aspect. It is always something negative from which we are to be separated. But it is even more important that we be separated to the Lord (vrs. 18). We are really "a called out peo­ p le". Th is is what the word "church" means in the original Greek (Eph. 1:22). Apostate and false religions are concerned with calling the world into the church. This is why we need to be most vigilant. Be sure to examine any organization with which you are about to affiliate to see if it holds or promotes any beliefs which are not Biblical. If so, you have no right belonging to it. I have heard men defending their membership in some club or order by saying that it is basically a religious group. While it may have an exterior which appears re­ ligious, in close scrutiny most of

There are many important areas of life in which we as Christians can and should become involved. It is true that we are living in ex­ ceedingly dark days, and yet all the more reason for allowing the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ to shine through us to those who may not know the Saviour. While we should be involved in social, civic, and political affairs we must use care and caution. Too many be­ come "joiners", and use their tal­ ents in directions which are not at all beneficial to the Kingdom of God. The Bible reminds us that we are not to become entangled in the things of this world, and speci­ fically with others who know not the Saviour (II Cor. 6:14ff). While involvement is necessary, never let it usurp the important areas of personal prayer and Bible study, church fellowship, and per­ sonal evangelism. There are certain areas of life where we should maintain a posi­ tion of separation. Never should Scriptural truth be compromised. This is a primary rule for consid­ eration. In Corinth there were many Christians who had become yoked together with unbelievers. There

By Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson


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