KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-05

pray for powers which are equal to your tasks." For those of you who are young people I challenge you to discov­ er God's will for your life, and then to follow it in the power of the Holy Spirit. You are not to be lazy but to give of your best to the Master. Regardless of who or what we are, we must live up to our obligations. Because you are a Christian, you ought to be the finest workman in the factory. Because you are a Christian, you ought to be the fin­ est stenographer on the job. Be­ cause you are a Christian, you ought to be the finest school teach­ er in the world utilizing the best of your ability. You must first an­ swer to Jesus Christ. God has a plan for every life. His will is best! It can be known and it should be found. We will only find satisfac­ tion and fulfillment when we fol­ low this important precept. Possessions One of the best barometers of a Christian's concern and interest in the ministry and outreach of the Gospel is his pocketbook. How we make use of our money will determine what type of steward­ ship is rendered. We are on our way to heaven. Since we brought nothing into this world and can carry nothing out, we should seek that godliness which alone can bring real contentment (I Tim. 6: 6 - 8 ). Doubtless when we get to heav­ en there will be signs of relief as well as songs of redemption. With­ out being facetious it is true that we will not have to face such prob­ lems as inflation. We may well wonder how survival is possible.

the fact that God's call definitely came to him and indicated what he was to do. No pressures dimmed this heavenly vision. He knew that he was in the place of God's appointment (I Thess. 4:24). Similarly, the call of Cod in your life should meet with your whole­ hearted response (Col. 1:9). Spiritual understanding is neces­ sary if we are to know God's will. Keep in mind that this is not some­ thing static. It is constantly ex­ panding, requiring supplemental knowledge on our part. We have the promise that God will direct all who submit to His leading (Pro. 3:5-6). And when you invite the Lord to guide you into the place that has been divinely selected for you, it will become apparent that God's place for you is also divinely suited (Ps. 37:23); Rom. 14:3, 8; 12:1, 2). There is comfort in know­ ing that the steps (as well as the stops) of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Ps. 37:23). God wants to lead you in a course of life which is distinct and absolutely tailor-made for you. A missionary to Africa once said, "In the will of God I am safer in the jungles of the Congo than I would be if I were living out of the will of God in my own American hometown." The Psalmist petitioned, "Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee." God does not lead everybody in the same manner. Because of all this we are obliged to live apart from every selfish am­ b ition (Rom. 12:1, 2). P h illip s Brooks urged, "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray rather to be strong­ er men. Do not pray for tasks which are equal to your powers, Page 44

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