The VIP’s, a campus music group under the direction ot John Hess, performed the school’s newly composed Alma Mater during Homecoming in February.
pie could never move one man heavenward. A Hindu atheist once said, "I am like a broken radio re ceiving set trying to get a wave length, and I cannot get it." You and I are to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the end of the earth. Do not become distracted. Keep from getting sidetracked. Well meaning people may attempt to get you to do more things in the church. It is better to say "no" than to take on so many jobs that your ministry begins to suffer. There are times when we can real ly do more by doing less.
Men and women everywhere are silently crying for the results of the cross of Calvary. They may outwardly resist and oppose such, but deep in their hearts they know it would take more to make them right with Cod than a perfect and a good life. It is not example, but substitution that is needed to find forgiveness. Christ is your Substi tute and mine. There is a frightful emptiness to human life that only the message of the cross will ever be able to fill. Christ's life, even though it was sinless and perfect, by exam-
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