Time The activities are designed to work on a flexible time basis, though be mindful in order to benefit from any activity time is important. For these processes, a minimum of 10 minutes is suggested and the maximum amount of time is limitless (however, 45 minutes to an hour in most cases is probably a good estimate). They are also designed to leave and come back to later, however, this does require a bit of preparation and organisation. Be prepared The first three activities are designed to work on flexible and minimum time frames from 10 minutes to as long as you like. They also require minimum materials, a sketchbook, pen and pencil will more than suffice. The following six activities do take more time and planning and often work best when you attend a taught session first. The very first activity ‘map my mind’ is the foundation and scaffolding for all that follow. Once you are confident with this one you can carry on with the others; they don’t have to be done in an order and some will appeal to you more than others. It’s a pick and mix so dip in.
Kit check list Basic Pen/pencil and paper
Intermediate Pens, pencils, rubber, sharpener, colour pencils (the ones that are watercolour are gorg), watercolour paint (the little tray with brush enclosed) tiny pot with a lid, paintbrushes, nice paper, pritt stick, newspaper, colour paper, maps, good quality plasticine Advanced You can play with all sorts of paint – water-based paints are recommended. As well as all of the above… canvas, paper (watercolour etc.), fancy paper, fancy glue, fancy pens (fancy whatever works for you – none of them are really necessary but definitely getting you in the mood!). Now begin…
Being creative keeps you well
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