Length of stay by clinical status Table 8 and Figure 9 show the distribution of each LOS type by clinical status.
Total LOS by procedure type
The median total length of stay for all cardiac surgery cases in 2021 was 13 days (IQR: 9–20 days).
The difference in pre-operative LOS between elective and urgent/emergent cases is expected due to the nature of these admissions. Elective cases are usually admitted the day before surgery for final pre-operative assessment. There is also variation in pre-operative LOS within the urgent/emergent category as some patients are dependent on transfer from outside hospitals and bed availability, and patients require completion of pre-operative investigations and workup.
Total length of stay
When examining the total length of stay by procedure type: • Aortic (± CABG/valve) surgery cases had the highest median total LOS of 16 days (IQR: 13–25 days) (Figure 10) • Isolated CABG cases had the lowest total LOS of 12 days (IQR: 8–18 days) (Figure 10)
Clinical status
Elective median days (IQR)
Urgent/emergency median days (IQR)
LOS type
1 (1, 2)
4 (2, 7)
Post-operative ICU
2.9 (2, 4)
3 (2, 4.7)
8 (7, 12.5)
10 (7, 17)
11 (8, 16.5)
16 (11, 22)
Table 8. Breakdown of LOS by LOS type and clinical status
Figure 10. Distribution of Total LOS by procedure type
Total LOS by procedure type
The median total length of stay for all cardiac surgery cases in 2021 was 13 days (IQR: 9-20 days).
Figure 9. Distribution of LOS by LOS type and clinical status
Figure 11. Distribution of pre-operative LOS by procedure type
Cardiac Surgery Annual Report 2021
Cardiac Surgery Annual Report 2021
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