2021 Cardiac Surgery Annual Report

Operative data Ischaemic time

Blood loss

Median blood loss within the first four hours post-operatively for all isolated valve cases was 190 mls (IQR: 115, 310 mls).

Ichaemic time variables

Median (IQR)


Cross clamp time (mins)

94 (64, 125)

Median ventilation within the first four hours post-operatively for all isolated valve cases was 11.7 hours (IQR: 6.1, 19.9 hours).

Perfusion time (mins)

128 (88, 192)

Post-op ICU LOS

Median post-operative LOS in ICU for all isolated valve cases was 3.2 days (IQR: 2.1, 5 days).

Table 28. Summary of ischaemic time variables. Values are expressed as medians and interquartile ranges (IQR).

Transfusion rate

Procedure type


Transfusion rate (%)


Isolated valve




Table 29. Transfusion rate for the isolated valve procedure type. Transfusion rate is calculated by dividing the number of transfused cases by the number of cases in each procedure type.

Post-operative indicators

Post-operative variables

Median (IQR)

Post-op ICU LOS (days)

3.2 (2.1, 5)

Ventilation (hours)

11.7 (6.1, 19.9)

Blood loss (mls)

190 (115, 310)

Table 30. Post-operative indicators for isolated valve cases. Values are expressed as medians and interquartile ranges (IQR).



Cardiac Surgery Annual Report 2021

Cardiac Surgery Annual Report 2021

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