Choosing the right bed is an important decision that affects your health and well-being. The right mattress can allow you to get more of the right kind of deep, restful sleep. Since we spend almost a third of our lives in bed, we need to choose a good qual- ity mattress, a key component of sleeping well. There are several golden rules for choosing the right mattress. Firstly, we look at the ratio between your height and body mass. This is calculated by the weight of the sleeper per square inch of the mattress. The greater your height to body mass ratio, the firmer your mattress should be.

If you have a curved spine and prefer to sleep on your back, con- sider choosing a mattress that will allow your hips to sink into the mattress and support your lower back correctly. Age is another component. Young people are more comfortable with a firmer mattress. Our comfort needs change as we age, and we usually prefer a softer mattress. Below in the “Rhumaless” system images, we can see the pres- sure points on your body during sleep. Science, combined with our experience in perfecting sleep, goes hand in hand to help you choose the right mattress and ensure the best nights sleep.

Use the chart on the next page to help you find your height to body mass ratio.

We can get a clear picture of the best sleep options and the choices that we should avoid through these images.

If you sleep on your side, you probably need a softer, multi-zone mattress to lessen the pressure on your shoulders, chest and hips. This promotes the circulation of the blood and the cellular regeneration that accompanies it.

In the mattress on the left, the acceptable pressure zones are represented by cool colours. In the mattress on the right, the bright colours represent incorrect pressure.

Head and shoulders


The mattress on the left offers better sleep than the one on the right. Because we tailormake your mattress to suit your body and

personal preferences, we can recommend the one that will ensure the best sleep for you.

16 Elite Collection

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