Cotton is a plant fiber that surrounds the seeds of the cotton plant. It is the most important natural fiber produced in the world and certainly the one best tolerated by our skin.

The SeaCell ® fiber has several properties associated with the cellulose of algae. It promotes healthy skin through a release of vitamin E and calcium and magnesium mineral salts. It is non- irritating and prevents scarring after skin irritation. All of these qualities are associated with the proven benefits of Lyocell, spe- cifically softness to touch and “breathability”. SeaCell ® Active is a Lyocell fiber associated with algae fibers and silver. The amino acids and minerals contained in the algae are released by the slight moisture of the body, which has a balancing effect on living tissue. The mineral salts contained in the algae of SeaCell ® imbue the skin with minerals once again. Thanks to its silver content, the fiber also has an antibacterial effect. Perma- nently bacteriostatic, the SeaCell ® fiber preserves the freshness of your sleep.

Therefore, you won’t be surprised to learn that this fiber is used in the production of Elite mattresses.

The cotton that we use is produced on organic farms and has a capacity for aeration, among other excellent properties. It feels fresh and allows your mattress to breathe. Moreover, its hygro- scopic material quality allows it to absorb perspiration easily, a car- dinal virtue for padding. Through experience we have also learned that, when arranged in thick layers, organic cotton offers a feeling of sumptuousness and softness due to its elasticity. A mattress constructed this way is more than just a bed, it is a cozy nest. Our cotton is cultivated organically by small producers without GMOs. They use natural pesticides such as pheromone traps or decoctions of Neem leaves and manure for fertilizer. The absence of chemical products makes this cotton better for the skin. It is naturally hypo-allergenic and, equally importantly, it allows farmers to avoid repeated exposure to dangerous chemical substances.

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