The Most Popular Tree in America Doesn’t Grow Here
Did you know there is a tree that can supply youthful energy and vigorous excitement to people on a daily basis? This tree needs a very specific climate that’s not available in our part of the world, yet it is sold on every street corner in America. Many people are not aware that coffee comes from a high-altitude, tropical tree! But climate is not the only thing that affects this magical cherry as it goes from crop to cup. Genetics also play a very important role. There are two main species of coffee: arabica and robusta. Robusta is the type you get at Dunkin’ Donuts, and it is cheaper and easier to grow because the plant is very “robust” and resistant to disease. Many people mask its inferior taste with milk and cream. Arabica, named after its initial cultivation on the Arabian Peninsula, is the specialty coffee of the world. Many regions, known as “origins,” in coffee language, grow this superior
bean. Mocha, Java, or Columbia are just some examples.
Mountain” that is grown between elevations of 3000–5000 feet. In the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, this bean achieves a unique fruity sweetness and buttery smoothness when roasted and brewed properly. It is easy on the stomach and won’t give people the jitters or even heartburn. So where do you try this amazing coffee variety you might ask? The answer: from Trout Brook’s very own, Ian Fay. Ian, a salesperson for our company and a lover of trees, found a connection to the Blue Mountain variety because his wife’s family actually lives in Jamaica. Through visits to plantations, he established grower connections — and through personal investment, he founded Ovelle , a West Hartford-based Blue Mountain coffee company. This spring, Ian is offering a free Blue Mountain roasted bean sample for clients who meet him for a tree estimate . Enjoy, Tree Lovers! Check out, and ask Ian about the sample when you see him.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “Coffea arabica accounts for 60% of the world’s coffee production.” C. arabica takes seven years to mature fully, and it does best with 50 inches of rain throughout the year. The plant can tolerate low temperatures, but not frost. Commercial growers only grow them to about 15 feet tall, and they are frequently trimmed as low as 6 feet to facilitate harvesting. Two to four years after planting, C. arabica produces small, white, highly fragrant flowers that smell similar to jasmine . The flowers last a few days, and then berries begin to appear. Arabica berries are dark green before ripening to a glossy, deep red. Once ripe, they are called “ cherries ,” and are ready for picking.
Perhaps the most sought-after variety of arabica is the Jamaica “Blue
It’s That Time of Year! 2 Tips to Make the Most of Spring-Cleaning
In March, people tend to have a lot on their to-do lists, including spring- cleaning. It’s a yearly tradition most of us don’t get excited about, but it is important to declutter and organize. Still, that can be a lot of work. Here are a couple tips to make spring-cleaning a little easier. Clear the air. During the winter months, our homes accumulate more dust. Air circulation isn’t always the best, and a lot of people use wood-burning or pellet stoves to heat their homes in addition to central air. These heating methods produce and distribute a lot of dust in the air we breathe, and that’s not healthy.
If you have central air, clean the utility closet (or wherever the heart of your central air system is located) first. Clearing dust from this room can go a long way toward removing it from your entire home. Cleaning your ductwork can help as well, and don’t forget to change the air filter! Cleaning wood- or pellet-burning stoves can be a nightmare — and can put more dust and ash into the air. The safest and easiest course of action is to hire professionals, but if you want to do it yourself, a good shop-vac with an air filter can do the trick.
you own. This is in addition to sorting out old or unused items and donating them to charity or having a garage sale. Know what you have so you can better prepare for the future. You will undoubtedly come across items you want to keep and pass along to the next generation. These might include heirlooms you received from your parents or grandparents or things you have acquired throughout your life. As an added bonus, taking inventory can be hugely beneficial when it comes to insurance, should you need to file a claim following a flood or fire. It’s all about being prepared.
Take inventory. As you clean and organize, take inventory of what
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