Danette May's Lotus Journal - March 2020

Danette’s Top 5 Ways to Connect With the Outdoors

3. You could also try being a literal tree-

If the weather is gloomy where you live, it might be tempting to stay inside until summer, cuddled up with a hot mug of delicious Cacao Bliss. We get it! But even when it’s cold, or raining, or snowing, Danette feels it’s so, so important to take time to connect with nature every

hugger. As silly as it sounds, this is a great way to connect. “I always touch trees

every day,” Danette says. “There is profound energy in touching

trees . To me they’re ancient — some are hundreds of years old — and we’re honored to be able to touch them!”

day. Nature is the reminder that we are connected to something higher than ourselves, and it helps us keep our struggles in perspective. This spring, don’t let your connection with Mama Earth fall by the wayside! Instead, try one of Danette’s five tips to connect.

4. If you’re far away from the woods, deep breathing can help you stay in tune with the universe. “First thing in the morning, go outside of your house, look up at the sky, and just take a big, deep breath in and out,” Danette recommends. “The beautiful thing about doing that is it will put your mind and your cells back into perspective, reminding you that you’re part of something so much bigger than yourself.” 5. Last, but certainly not least, a great way to connect with nature is to eat it . As Danette puts it, “I make sure every day that I eat something dark green, whether that’s spinach or kale or another dark leafy green. To me, that’s the cellular way I can connect with nature, by bringing it inside my internal system.”

1. The most important way Danette connects with nature every day is by earthing , or touching the earth directly. “I take off my shoes and put my feet on the earth, whether that’s snow, sand, dirt, rock, or grass,” she says. Earthing has been scientifically proven to reduce stress and pain and make it easier to sleep. 2. Another easy way to enjoy nature is simply to step into it and listen . “I connect just by closing my eyes and hearing the sounds of nature, whether it’s the wind, or the birds, or the trees swaying,” Danette explains. “I just listen and feel what nature is trying to say.”

What are you waiting for, sisters? It’s time to head outside!



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