A proposal by the USVCC and Pro Football Hall of Fame, leveraging sports to inspire rehabilitation, recovery, and resilience.
W ARRIOR GAM E S Leveraging sports to inspire rehabilitation, recovery, and resilience.
March 30, 2020
HON Ryan D. McCarthy Secretary of the Army 101 Army Pentagon Washington D.C. 20301-0101
RE: PROFFER for management of Warriors Games 2021-2025
Mr. Secretary:
Upon receipt of the invitaFon to bid for the Management Contract detailed in the PROFFER, the United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce immediately formed a partnership with David Baker CEO of the Pro Football Hall of Fame to establish the strongest team to ever pursue this opportunity. Not only is the Hall of Fame economically powerful, but the Hall of Fame understands and supports the elements of leadership and TEAM concept. In addiFon, the Hall of Fame operates one of the most magnificent sports venues in the United States. We understand that we are not only being asked to compete for the management contract, but we will also inherit responsibility for the leadership training that is an essenFal part of all sports. While our athletes will compete in a variety of sports, they will also be carrying the responsibility for their TEAM something that both the Professional Football Hall of Fame and its members and the athletes who have worn or do wear the uniform of the United States understand. While the team and the compeFFon are very important, the lessons learned by parFcipaFng and leading are equally important. We have tried to be responsive beginning with our invitaFon to Mr Kenneth Fisher, to accept our invitaFon to serve as the Honorary Chairman of the Warrior Games. We were very excited by his enthusiasFc acceptance. Our second focus was to insure that all of the venues for the compeFFon which in other places have experienced problems as to availability, will be available without addiFonal cost. We have confirmed with the Pro Football Hall of Fame that all the magnificent fields, pools, and arenas will be available exclusively for the Games.
Our third focus was transportaFon. Historically the Games have experienced some issues with transportaFon. In our case, we are fortunate that the Hall of Fame manages a shuXle service that connects all of the venues within the Hall of Fame campus. The shuXle was designed to handle crowds in excess of 250,000 strong. Finally, to insure that the Warriors do not find themselves dependent on the shuXle alone, we have arranged for a separate automobile to be assigned to each athlete and his or her team. In closing, we understand the Games are an opportunity for each of the athletes and their teams to reaffirm their commitment to the elements of leadership: Integrity, Confidence, Competence, Compassion and Humility. Those elements combined with the recogniFon of the importance of the TEAM insure these Games will leave an indelible mark on all involved- athletes, families and coaches.
Thank you again for all you do for all of us.
Paul W. Bucha
CC: David Baker, ESQ, CEO Professional Football Hall of Fame
CC: Kenneth Fisher, Chairman, Fisher House FoundaFon
March 31, 2020
Honorable Ryan D. McCarthy Secretary of the Army 101 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-0101
SUBJECT: Offer of Support - Warrior Games
Dear Secretary McCarthy,
United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce is pleased to make an unsolicited multi- year donation of personal property and services to the Department of Army to be used in support of the Department of Defense Warrior Games. Please find our five year proposal for years 2021 through 2025 at enclosure 1. We are fully committed and prepared to provide the Army with these services to help the Army conduct successful Warrior Games for our nation’s Wounded Warriors and their dependent family members. We estimate the total value of this gift to be approximately $9,000,000 annually and that the gift would be made pursuant to 10 U.S.C. §2601. We condition this offer to the Army on it being used by the Army for the benefit of, and in connection with, promoting the rehabilitation of wounded, ill, and injured Service members through the Warrior Games. We are making this offer without any solicitation from the Department of Army or personnel affiliated with the Department of Army. No specific privileges or special concessions are expected in return for this offer. We very much look forward to working with the Department of Army to support the Warrior Games mission.
Sincerely yours,
___________________ Michael Zacchea Co-Founder
___________________ Adrian Guglielmo Co-Founder
The Warrior Games Executive Summary
GOAL & OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that Warrior Games 2021, and beyond, should be hosted at the Professional Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio, and managed by a partnership that includes the NFL, the US Veterans Chamber of Commerce and a consortium of public and private partners that bring together a demonstrated track record of sports experience and event management, with significant and relevant not-for-profit work in the areas of adaptive sports and holistic wellness. This will create a Warrior Games experience with stability and continuity of effort that will take the Games to a world-class level. ADAPTIVE SPORTS: THE PATH TO RECOVERY. Our nation has been engaged in sustained conflict for nearly two decades, longer than any other period in its history. The human costs of that war are borne by our veterans, obligating all of us to inspire them to rehabilitation, recovery, and resilience. Adaptive sports provide a path for veterans to rehabilitate, recover and become more resilient. Through the DoD’s Warrior Care initiative, the Military Adaptive Sports Program (MASP), provides reconditioning activities and competitive athletic opportunities to all wounded, ill and injured Service members to improve their physical and mental quality of life throughout the continuum of recovery and transition. This program enhances recovery by engaging wounded, ill, and injured Service members in individualized physical and cognitive activities outside of traditional therapy settings. The program inspires recovery and physical fitness and encourages new opportunities for growth and achievement. The benefits of physical activity for injured Service members include reduced stress, increased quality of life, lower blood pressure, weight management, and enhancement of the rehabilitative process. The Warrior Games provide a premier event for our Veterans to demonstrate the successes of their rehabilitation through these adaptive sports programs, competing at a high level in a well-resourced environment.
THEWARRIORGAMES: The Warrior Games have taken place annually since 2010. The event was created by the United States Olympic Committee and hosted through 2014 at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Britain's Prince Harry, at the time serving as a Captain and helicopter pilot in the British Army, opened the 2013 Games, which inspired him to create the Invictus Games, an international counterpart to the Warrior Games with national representations. In 2015 the Department of Defense took over the organization of the Games, rotating responsibility for conducting the games amongst the services and the Special Operations Command. The 2015 Games were hosted by the Marine Corps in Quantico; 2016 by the Army at West Point; 2017 by the Navy in Chicago; 2018 in Colorado at The Air Force Academy; and, 2019 in Tampa at Special Operations Command. The 2020 Games are currently scheduled to take place in San Antonio, Texas, hosted by the Marine Corps. The growth of the military adaptive sports effort as a result of Prince Harry’s Invictus initiative has also resulted in international participation in our own Warrior Games, with teams from Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Denmark and The Netherlands traveling to the United States to participate This organic growth of the Warrior Games into an international event, combined with the inherent purpose of insuring this event keeps the sacrifice of our service men and women in the public consciousness, highlights the very clear opportunity to solidify its future with highly engaged media, venue and corporate partners who will support the Games on a long term basis, creating the stability and continuity necessary for sustainable excellence and eventually parlay into a successful bid for the United States to host the international Invictus Games. THE PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME PARTNERSHIP: Dav id Baker, President & CEO of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, has a powerful perception of the impact of the veterans and player relationship. He sees the veterans as a special community of “Team” members connecting to NFL “Teams” who are teaching "the players of the NFL who the real heroes are" and where humility, sacrifice and leadership are core values.
Additionally, NFL Media, comprised of NFL Network, NFL Films, NFL.com, NFL Now, NFL Mobile from Verizon and NFL RedZone , can provide dedicated broadcast and streaming coverage throughout the Games. The NFL connection to the Veteran community is also exceptional. Through the NFL’s year-round effort, Salute to Service , the league demonstrates its commitment to the nation's active duty service members, veterans, and their families through deep partnerships with military nonprofits and organizations that support the military community worldwide. The connection between our nation’s military and football is also decades long and deeply imprinted. Over 2,300 NFL players have served in combat, with 23 making the ultimate sacrifice. Three earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. One of those Medal of Honor recipients was commissioner of the former AFL, Joe Foss. Opened in 1963, the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrines exceptional figures in the sport o f professional football. It's also a facility of extraordinary dimension. As a venue as well as a multifaceted enterprise, the Hall checks off on all the DoD "requirements" necessary to host the Games. Venues for all the competitive sports, production, registration and credentialing, public affairs and marketing, medical support, housing, transportation, and food services are al lpart of the Hall's existing resources.
The extensive brand partnerships that reside within the NFL, the Team Owners, NFL Media, and the Professional Football Hall of Fame, provide rich sponsorship opportunities across a broad range of categories. Activation initiatives surrounding the Games are limitless. With leading companies in Finance, Insurance, Healthcare, Automotive, Travel, Communications, Technology, Entertainment, Food Service, etc. targeting both the veteran and sports enthusiast communities, corporate marketing partnerships will establish the Warrior Games and Canton as a destination for attendees, viewers (Broadcast) and users (Streaming). This past fall, the Department of Defense recognized the powerful partnership between the USVCC and the Pro Football Hall of Fame, awarding responsibility for execution of the 2020 US Invictus Team training camp and Send-Off at the Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. For that proffer, USVCC joined with corporate sponsors from GEICO, CVS/Aetna, T-Mobile, Caliber Home Loans, Veterans Advantage, The Shark Group, and SAM Sport to bring a cost-free tier-one training camp environment to our United States Invictus athletes.
execute the DoD Warrior Games partnership. They presently include: 1. Ken Fisher - Senior Partner, Fisher Brothers & Chairman of The Fisher House Foundation. Mr. Fisher has agreed to serve as “Honorary Chair” of the Warrior Games. LEADERSHIP: A consortium of business and civic leaders has formed a “Leadership Council” to plan, develop and
2. David Baker – President & CEO, Professional Football Hall of Fame.
3. Paul Bucha – Chairman, USVCC & recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. 4. Gerry Byrne – Vice Chairman, Penske Media; Board Member of the USO, The Intrepid Museum Foundation, The Fisher House Foundation and The Bob Woodruff Foundation.
5. Jason Araghi – CEO, Elevate Gourmet Brands, Board Member of the USVCC.
6. Richard Jones – EVP, General Tax Counsel & Chief Veteran Officer, Viacom/CBS.
7. Jake Wood – CEO/Co-Founder, Team Rubicon.
8. Zach Iscol – CEO/Founder, The Headstrong Project.
CONCLUSION: The Warrior Games were designed to use the spirit of sport to inspire resilience, rehabilitation, and reintegration and to keep the sacrifices of our wounded, ill, and injured service men and women in the public conscience. Through this proffer, the USVCC will leverage our best-in-class partners in sports, media, resiliency, business, employment, and education to make sure the 2021 Warrior Games is the ultimate experience, not only for the participating athletes, but for a nation that deserves to be aware of the inspiration these athletes provide to all of us.
letters of support
nfl letter of support placeholder
letters of support
President Abraham Lincoln said “ A nation that does not honor its heroes shall not long endure”. The Mission of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio is: To HONOR the HEROES of the Game; PRESERVE its HISTORY; PROMOTE its VALUES; and, Celebrate EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE It’s MORE than the worship of Football Heroes. It’s about honoring commitment, courage, character & compassion in all those that strive for excellence. The Pro Football Hall of Fame’s membership is comprised of 346 of the greatest players of all time and each of our 191 living Gold Jackets who are heroes of the playing fields know that the real heroes are those brave souls who return from our battle fields. Our country grows stronger when we honor each of our warriors and we tell the story of their strength, nobility and integrity. The National Football League is, by a wide margin, America’s passion. Last year, NFL games were 46 of the top 50 television shows and its ratings were ten times higher than all of Major League Baseball, NCAA Football, the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League combined. The Pro Football Hall of Fame can leverage that incredible and powerful platform to shine the light of honor and nobility on our countries warriors with whom we share so many values and virtues. In partnership with Visit Canton, the Pro Football Hall of Fame hosts over 1 million visitors a year and 20 national broadcasts at events like the Hall of Fame Game and Enshrinement Ceremonies that kick off every NFL season, the Black College Hall of Fame Classic, the NFL Centennial Celebration, the Amos Alonzo Staff Bowl, High School Championships and much, much more. The Hall of Fame’s Staff, with Visit Canton, mobilizes the over 4,800 volunteers who support these events and will do so for the Warrior Games to show the love, respect and admiration for our veterans community.
letters of support
The Pro Football Hall of Fame, our 191 living Gold Jackets ,and Visit Canton are all honored to partner with the U.S. Veterans Chamber of Commerce to honor our heroes. We will have the heroes our veterans have cheered for cheering for our veterans. And, all of America will join in honoring their character and courage. The Pro Football Hall of Fame is known as The Most Inspiring Place on Earth. And the spirit inside the state-of-the-art and world-class Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium will spread across America so that our wounded warriors are viewed as inspired heroes courageously competing for excellence and a bright future instead of those enduring rehabilitation from the past. More children will want to be like these heroes and more mothers will want their children to be soldiers. In the immortal words of President Lincoln, America will long endure because our military, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Visit Canton and the United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce huddled up and partnered together and honored America’s heroes by telling their inspired stories like no one else can.
David Baker President & CEO Pro Football Hall of Fame
s C ope o F proposal
EVENT DATES: The USVCC proposes that the Warrior Games be executed in Canton, Ohio on the following dates:
June 14 - June 29, 2021 June 18 - July 3, 2022 June 17 - July 2, 2023 June 17 - July 2, 2024 June 16 - July 1, 2025
2021: 2022: 2023: 2024: 2025:
event management
The U.S. Veterans Chamber of Commerce (USVCC) in partnership with the Pro Football Hall of Fame and many other supporting organizations agrees to manage the entire execution of the warrior games. S imilar to other large-scale events planned by the USVCC and P ro F ootball H all of F ame, the partnership will develop a run of show for each competition. W e will wor k closely with the W arrior G ames staff so we meet the e x pectations of the event. W e will give the W arrior G ames the same commitment and respect as we do large events such as the H all of G ame G ame, NYC M arathon, and the U.S. I nvictus T eam T raining C amp , as well as other large events during E nshrinement W e ek . O ur collective e x perience e x ecuting these large events will help us plan and ta k e the W arrior G ames to the ne x t level while leveraging the P ro F ootball H all of F ame brand, logo and mission of, "c elebrating ex cellence EVERYWHERE!" HOF PRODUCTIONS: The Pro Football Hall of Fame has unequaled experience in event production under the leadership of 10-time Sports Emmy Award winning producer, George Veras. Examples of the high-end production to be executed include Enshrinement Week Powered by Johnson Controls , which covers five days with 10 hours of national live sports television broadcasts on NBC, ESPN and NFL Network. HOF Productions is responsible for all the event management and technical production setup for these telecasts as well as a music concert less than 24 hours later at the same venue, Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium. The events surrounding Enshrinement weekend include the first NFL Preseason Game, a two hour show “Gold Jacket Ceremony”, a four hour Enshrinement, and the Concert for Legends. HOF Productions has also been hired the last two years by CBS Sports and World Team Tennis to produce seven live national broadcasts and a one-hour taped season recap show. From December 10-17, 2019, HOF Productions produced 10 shows for CBS Sports Network of youth and high school football in Canton.