Warrior Games - Canton, Ohio

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President Abraham Lincoln said “ A nation that does not honor its heroes shall not long endure”. The Mission of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio is: To HONOR the HEROES of the Game; PRESERVE its HISTORY; PROMOTE its VALUES; and, Celebrate EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE It’s MORE than the worship of Football Heroes. It’s about honoring commitment, courage, character & compassion in all those that strive for excellence. The Pro Football Hall of Fame’s membership is comprised of 346 of the greatest players of all time and each of our 191 living Gold Jackets who are heroes of the playing fields know that the real heroes are those brave souls who return from our battle fields. Our country grows stronger when we honor each of our warriors and we tell the story of their strength, nobility and integrity. The National Football League is, by a wide margin, America’s passion. Last year, NFL games were 46 of the top 50 television shows and its ratings were ten times higher than all of Major League Baseball, NCAA Football, the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League combined. The Pro Football Hall of Fame can leverage that incredible and powerful platform to shine the light of honor and nobility on our countries warriors with whom we share so many values and virtues. In partnership with Visit Canton, the Pro Football Hall of Fame hosts over 1 million visitors a year and 20 national broadcasts at events like the Hall of Fame Game and Enshrinement Ceremonies that kick off every NFL season, the Black College Hall of Fame Classic, the NFL Centennial Celebration, the Amos Alonzo Staff Bowl, High School Championships and much, much more. The Hall of Fame’s Staff, with Visit Canton, mobilizes the over 4,800 volunteers who support these events and will do so for the Warrior Games to show the love, respect and admiration for our veterans community.

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