Warrior Games - Canton, Ohio

March 30, 2020

HON Ryan D. McCarthy Secretary of the Army 101 Army Pentagon Washington D.C. 20301-0101

RE: PROFFER for management of Warriors Games 2021-2025

Mr. Secretary:

Upon receipt of the invitaFon to bid for the Management Contract detailed in the PROFFER, the United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce immediately formed a partnership with David Baker CEO of the Pro Football Hall of Fame to establish the strongest team to ever pursue this opportunity. Not only is the Hall of Fame economically powerful, but the Hall of Fame understands and supports the elements of leadership and TEAM concept. In addiFon, the Hall of Fame operates one of the most magnificent sports venues in the United States. We understand that we are not only being asked to compete for the management contract, but we will also inherit responsibility for the leadership training that is an essenFal part of all sports. While our athletes will compete in a variety of sports, they will also be carrying the responsibility for their TEAM something that both the Professional Football Hall of Fame and its members and the athletes who have worn or do wear the uniform of the United States understand. While the team and the compeFFon are very important, the lessons learned by parFcipaFng and leading are equally important. We have tried to be responsive beginning with our invitaFon to Mr Kenneth Fisher, to accept our invitaFon to serve as the Honorary Chairman of the Warrior Games. We were very excited by his enthusiasFc acceptance. Our second focus was to insure that all of the venues for the compeFFon which in other places have experienced problems as to availability, will be available without addiFonal cost. We have confirmed with the Pro Football Hall of Fame that all the magnificent fields, pools, and arenas will be available exclusively for the Games.

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