warrior games veterans village
BUSINESS: The Business section will provide resources for transitioning military, veterans and their spouses to build and cultivate their business: • Daymond on Demand is a state-of-the-art interactive online entrepreneurship and business training platform providing aspiring, and current, business owners the tools they need to build a successful company. • SBA loans • Access to chambers through out the country • Entrepreneurship • M entorship • Corporate business fair • Information on tier 1 matchmaking FAMILY: The Family Section will include family fun and community engagement including creative therapy, obstacles courses, rides, and much more. • KidsPeace will establish an O A SI S Space, a wonderful, interactive experience; a veritable cafe of relaxation and stress reducing activities for people of all ages. The program consists of 1 0- 15 separate relaxation activities and exercises that target different preferences and interests. • Family Meal Th e Warrior Games Veterans Village will provide a barbecue free-of-charge to all athletes, coaches, staff, U.S. Department of Defense officials, and their families. WELLNESS: The Wellness section championed by many USVCC strategic partners (i.e. CVS Health, GE I C O , America for the Arts, and R ehabs of America) will provide impact programs and resources within the following areas: • Living Works : Suicide Prevention
• America for the Arts: Resiliency • Value in N utrition
• Addiction M anagement • Post Traumatic Stress
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