Warrior Games - Canton, Ohio

March 31, 2020

Honorable Ryan D. McCarthy Secretary of the Army 101 Army Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-0101

SUBJECT: Offer of Support - Warrior Games

Dear Secretary McCarthy,

United States Veterans Chamber of Commerce is pleased to make an unsolicited multi- year donation of personal property and services to the Department of Army to be used in support of the Department of Defense Warrior Games. Please find our five year proposal for years 2021 through 2025 at enclosure 1. We are fully committed and prepared to provide the Army with these services to help the Army conduct successful Warrior Games for our nation’s Wounded Warriors and their dependent family members. We estimate the total value of this gift to be approximately $9,000,000 annually and that the gift would be made pursuant to 10 U.S.C. §2601. We condition this offer to the Army on it being used by the Army for the benefit of, and in connection with, promoting the rehabilitation of wounded, ill, and injured Service members through the Warrior Games. We are making this offer without any solicitation from the Department of Army or personnel affiliated with the Department of Army. No specific privileges or special concessions are expected in return for this offer. We very much look forward to working with the Department of Army to support the Warrior Games mission.

Sincerely yours,

___________________ Michael Zacchea Co-Founder

___________________ Adrian Guglielmo Co-Founder

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