A draft master plan provided an overview of the multi-purpose building with enough space for a theatre, aquatic centre, library, and up to three rinks. However, the final make-up of the building would be decided by the council after the public had been consulted and project managers had made recommendations. 5IF NFFUJOH MBTU 8FEOFTEBZ XIJDI XBTQSJNBSJMZ JO&OHMJTI JODMVEFENVMUJQMF questions about the features of the multi- purpose building, including the theatre, pool and library. The library, which would be moved from a UFNQPSBSZIPNFBUBO&NCSVOTDIPPM XBT the topic of a number of questions. Some asked whether the new facility would be an amalgamation of the predominately anglo- phone Russell branch and the francophone &NCSVOCSBODI
Parks and Recreation director Céline Guitard said amalgamation was not part of the discussions at present, and would be a decision for councillors based on public feedback, rather than the project managers for the complex. “Right now we were asked to put a library in the complex, but there was no mention of amalgamation,” she said. Suggestions from the public included healthy food options in a canteen, spaces for seniors, and a gym space for basketball and other sports. Colliers senior project manager Scott O’Hearn said suggestions raised in questionnaires and other forums had been similar. At the time of publication, a French lan- guage consultation session was due to be IFMEPO8FEOFTEBZOJHIU"DPVODJMEFDJTJPO on the next stage of the project was expected to be made later this year.
Un projet de plan directeur pour le complexe de loisirs a été présenté au conseil de Russell en 2020 et lors d›une session de consultation publique mercredi. Une session en langue française a eu lieu mercredi — photo fournie
STEPHEN JEFFERY stephen.jeffery@eap.on.ca
International on a Zoom call to discuss the project, which was expected to be built over the coming years. Last year Russell council approved a $1.1 million budget to design and construct two basketball courts, tennis courts and an accessible park this year as part of the first phase, while a multi-purpose building would be planned and designed as part of the next stage.
Russell Township residents asked questions and provided feedback about the municipality’s multi-million-dollar recreation complex at a consultation meeting last week. Residents joined planners from Colliers
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