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MARCH 2021
• Ontario au travail / Ontario Works • Prestations d’invalidité du Ministère / ODSP • Régime de pensions du Canada / Canada Pension Plan • Droits des locataires / Tenants’ rights • Normes d’emploi / Employment standards • Refus d’assurance-emploi / Employment-Insurance denial • Autres / Other (613) 632-1136 or/ou 1-800-250-9220 www.cjppr.on.ca
Pour des conseils juridiques gratuits For free legal advice
CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL SAFETY WEEK 4 ways to connect with local farmers
Naonal AG Day, which takes place on March 23, presents an annual opportu- nity to recognize and celebrate the essen- al role that agriculture plays in the daily lives of all Americans. If you want to learn more about the contribuons local far- mers make to your community, here are four ways you can connect with them. 1.Visit a farmers market. If you want to get to know the producers in your area and buy fresh, locally grown products directly from the source, this is a great opon. Use the USDA’s naonal far- mers market directory to find one near you. 2.Parcipate in agritourism. Many small farms offer on-site services to increase
their revenue and provide local enter- tainment. These can include horseback riding, u-pick operaons, harvest fes- vals, bed and breakfast accommoda- ons, cooking classes, peng zoos, educaonal tours and more. 3.Join a CSA. As a member of a commu- nity supported agriculture group, you’ll receive a weekly share of seasonal crops from one or more parcipang farms in your region. Many CSAs also offer private tours, social events and other perks for members. You can use the USDA’s online CSA directory to find a group near you. 4.Shop at a farm store. Similar to a far- mers market, vising a farm store al- lows you to chat with local producers, ask quesons about how the farm ope- rates and purchase fresh produce on- site. Some also sell honey, fresh juice, eggs, homemade pastries and other goods. For more informaon about Naonal AG Day and how you can support American farmers, visit agday.org.
Travaille à Valoris Réponds aux besoins des gens d'ici
Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383
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