Abbey SIP 2020-21 v1.1 Copy

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2020-21


Overarching NC aims; learning journey; review BSL; resource store (click here to return to summary)

Lead Person : CJ


Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale . To refine the non-core subjects ’ progression of skills that embed the overarching aims of the National Curriculum

Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do? Subject leads to work collaboratively to refine the current curriculum provision for non-core subjects. Subject leads to ensure the coverage of skills clearly matches the overarching aims of the National Curriculum.

Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria? There will be a fluidity across the range of subjects that ensures opportunities to embed learning are maximised. The refined curriculum content clearly identifies the overarching aims of the National Curriculum. Staff are clear about the progression of skills taught and how their ‘bit of the jigsaw’ impacts on the ‘big picture’ of learning. The school will have a refined curriculum statement that clearly maps how the learning journey for children at Abbey meets the needs of our community.

Time scale for completion




Non-core subject leads & All staff


Specific INSET on EYFS outdoor learning, D&T, Music & Computing


External providers to work with subject leads/phases with ideas for implementing progress of skills tailored to Abbey.


Uplift of 5% the proportion of pupils reaching ARE across non-core subjects.

NPQML check coverage of missed key skills from summer 2020. Use this to produce summary document to inform teachers of where missing elements may be critical to current and future teaching.

Knowledge grids and teaching sequence adjusted to ensure that missing skills are combined into the lesson planning/teaching so that non-core rates of progress remain high.

[As a result of pandemic]

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