Abbey School Improvement Plan 2020-21
Develop a shared understanding of ‘what does good behaviour look like?’ at Abbey. Ensure sufficient cross-year and longitudinal expectations support staff and pupil well-being.
Update staff on Ofsted’s spring conference 2020. Reflect and review the school’s behaviour policy. Equal weight to sanctions and positive affirmation Draw up a staff agreement for conduct
Good behaviour is good for everyone. Staff and pupils benefit from a greater level of consistency and shared understanding of what good behaviour looks like. Staff are consistent in the strategies they use.
Dec 2020
Learning behaviours are stronger; pupils make consistently good progress.
rewards and consequences Phil Beadle INSET Sept 2020
Staff are consistent in expectations, enactment of policy.
Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP
This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions
Revise agreed TLA; Non-core assessment; (click here to return to summary)
Lead Person : RK
Intent What do we want to achieve in the next 12 months? Our rationale .
Implementation How are we going to achieve and what do we need to do?
Impact What will be the impact of our intentions through the tasks identified for implementation? What is the success criteria?
Time scale for completion
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