Abbey School Improvement Plan 2020-21
Expectations by Summer 2021 – Overarching outcomes statement.
In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school’s own curriculum is 90%/35%.
In Y2 & Y6 the school’s attainment places us close to Fischer Family Trust (FFT) 20 therefore in t he top 20% of schools for progress. (Note below re: published assessment information)
In EYFS the Good level of Development (GLD) remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress again st the school’s curriculum is 90%/35% (pending new year baseline assessment)
Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving.
Note: following Coronavirus there were no statutory tests/tasks at any key-stage and consequently no IDSR for 20- 21. School’s own assessment used to inform priorities. Success criteria (measuring the desired outcomes) – see individual section plans below and- Additional possible avenues to share success – Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM); E-Safety 360 Quality Mark; ICT Mark; Inclusion Mark; Arts Mark; Investors in People; PSQM; Anti-bullying mark; RRS award; Note: The ‘When’ column indicates the start time of most of the aspects. The grid below shows where aspects will be returned to so that the SIP spreads developments across the academic year.
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