Abbey School Improvement Plan 2020-21
Continue teaching of phase 3-5 phonics in Year 1, to consolidate learning and support spelling. Continue teaching of phase 5 phonics in Year 2, to consolidate learning and support spelling [incomplete following pandemic] Continue teaching of phase 6 phonics in Year 3, to consolidate learning and support spelling.
Y1 are enabled to rapidly catch-up and begin phase 5
Autumn 2020
MPM, CJ & all KS1 staff; Y3
Screen all pupils on entry to new academic year to capture gaps and inform the teaching sequence
Consolidate learning and support spelling throughout Y2 – majority pupils pass a phonic screen Consolidate learning and support spelling throughout KS2; Y2-3 transition pupils pass the phonic screen
Begin part way through phase 3-5, from Autumn term in Y1
Begin part way through phase 5, from Autumn term in Y2
All pupils securely spell the HFW & CEW from the NC Y3/4 expectations by the end of Y4.
[As a result of pandemic]
Begin re-teaching phase 6, from Autumn term in Y3 & Y5 catch-up
Whilst maintaining broad and balanced – ensure sufficient catch-up to meet ARE Y2/6.
Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP
This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions
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